As an FYI, these aren't real books but.= The Girl in the Shard. - A peasant boy finds a necklace with crystal hanging on it. He takes it home intending to sell it, but upon further inspection finds that a very tiny princess is trapped inside. The two go on a great journey to free her and return her to her kingdom, her original size. The Prince of Crying. - A prince is has two older brothers, but desires deeply to be king. He finds a well and wishes he could become king. The well gives him tasks he must perform to become more nobel and kingly. As he grows older his desire to rule gets stronger, until one day the well starts giving him tasks that involving killing his father and brother. After completing them, he finds the sadness brought by the loss of his family outweighs the happiness brought by ruling. Years of Ice. - Frozen, basically. Seventh Husband - A young, beautiful woman decides to gain wealth and power by marrying and acting as a black widow. During the time of her seventh husband, she finds things around her keep going horribly wrong. Only to find that karma has come for her indeed as she learns the role of black widow isn't just for women. A Pirates Scorn. - A group of travellers go to a deserted island looking for a pirates lost treasure and find more than they bargained for. Thought it might be interesting things to know.