[quote=LeeRoy] We have no good reason to do so, at all. Because:"Well if this doesn't work, then this doesn't work."We already have tools made out of fake materials. Examples:Khazna's Starlhrim BladesClockwork Man's Elmorium Clockwork SpiderBecause everything is possible in a fantasy environment. [/quote] Do these materials explain how they function? If so.. fine. If not, they better get to the drawing board. I'm not denying the vibration weapons can work if properly created. However, I do not believe that done so in the way you have described is beneficial to the user. Is it possible... sure. I imagine, if you put enough pieces together in your head and figured out how to make it work to your advantage, then perhaps it could be... Skalla no doubt does his in a way that reduces any potential negative side effects of using said weapons. If others managed to do something similar... ok. However, until they can tell me how it works... I'll just laugh. Same thing goes for any other weapon or item people have... Show me that it actually theoretically works or get it out of my face. XD Point blank. And I'm positive Skalla will agree. This is how the Arena has always worked. Otherwise... I have a fire user.. who can now manipulate time and space.. cause why? Magic! Fo sho! lol... get out of here with that. XD