[quote=Ohmagaud] Kellen looked out as he wandered rather hurt still from the night before over to the next town. "Nothing but endless trees it seems." He sighed to himself, "How am I supposed to get anywhere when it just never ends?"He knew the nearest town from Bristole was Harlequin, but at this point he felt as though he may never make it.That's when he saw it, another young man running with a Pancham, off passed him."Hey!" Kellen exclaimed, "Wait up! I need help!!" [/quote] Terry spun around quickly and looked at the young man, his eyes were glassy as his Pokemon was in a bad condition, still he tried to maintain his cool and looked at the boy making sure not to give off any sad expression and forced a smile, he was sure the pancham would be fine but he couldn't stand seeing it in pain it was hard to explain but they felt each others pain they were practically one. With a slight sniffle he looked to the boy. "what's wrong" he said hoarse"