[b][center]Kazugara – Outside Tolbana Town - Floor 1[/center][/b] Kazu stood in the Feild looking at the few enemies that were there and drew his blade. He knew he had to fight harder than others did to accomplish the same amount of damage. It was his choice to fight with knives in hope that he can one day be better than anyone with a larger weapon. He set his eyes on a Duo of Dire Wolves. Two of them would be problematic for him. None the less he began approaching them he drew two of the Throwing picks he kept. The two of them hit their marks in the chests of the beasts. The picks were DOTs so his job would be a little bit easier. [I]Kazugara 9492/9492 Dire Wolf ????/????, Dire Wolf ????/????[/i] He had their attention and proceeded to run on the outside to try and keep from having the two of them surrounding him. As he ran beside one of the him put the knife in its side. He finished the strike down the creatures side and proceeded to streak away. The other wolf had jumped over its ally and run forward biting into Kazus arm. Kazu put the knife straight through its head and his own arm. Dropping his health to 3/4s. The wolf was dead. Now there was just the wounded wolf who didn't look that pleased. [I]Kazugara 7031/9492 Dire Wolf ????/????, Dire Wolf Deceased[/i] The other wolf charged him and began clawing at him furiously. He started just trying to get the blow in to kill the wolf but it seemed smarter than its friend. He realized this and leapt high into the air to deliver a horrid blow as the creature tried to bite his face when his blade slotted into its mouth and he finished the creature off. Problem was he impacted the ground dealing himself more damage. A window appeared "Congratulations Loot: - Wolf Pelt X2 - Col 8,000 [I]Kazugara 2022/9492 [/i] Health was deep in the yellow zone putting him in a lot of danger so he used a potion and then headed back into town. [Center]Tolbana Town Theatre[/center] He sat with his hood up listening to their plan and wondered who among them he could fight next to. And if he would be fighting the actual boss or just on mob patrol.