[b]Sentret[/b] [img][/img] So we have a mix between a flying squirrel and a target. Look at the giant target on it's belly, fucker is just asking Pokemon to target there. Also Look at those hands, it starts wing-like and then suddenly at the very end little paws. If Pokemon was created by that one god, this must have been the one he made as a joke, and had a bet it wouldn't last a few days. It's tail also looks like Irusu had a different color sock, and filled it to the brim with rocks. [img] [/img] (Pictured Irusu, with her sock, which you can guess why she has it out, and full of rocks. ) [quote]Gold:A very cautious Pokémon, it raises itself up using its tail to get a better view of its surroundings. Sliver:It stands on its tail so it can see a long way. If it spots an enemy, it cries loudly to warn its kind. Crystal :When acting as a lookout, it warns others of danger by screeching and hitting the ground with its tail. [/quote] So it's a pokemon who is so scared of other pokemon it's need to be cautious. What a wimp, interesting it only uses that tail to get a bettle view, but I guess rule 34 of it would be a little hard to use it as a dildo. Well it cry loudly, by warning it's kind does it call them, or do they run off with out that one, leaving it to die by the pokemon who now notices it because it's crying. Wait Wait it says it's screeching not cry, which is it pokemon? Make up your mind jeez. Image this little guy crying, and then leafanny comes up to make it cloths. [quote]Ruby:When Sentret sleeps, it does so while another stands guard. The sentry wakes the others at the first sign of danger. When this Pokémon becomes separated from its pack, it becomes incapable of sleep due to fear. [/quote] Hahahaha, it becomes so scared it can't sleep, what did this pokemon go fight pokemon Hitler, and being alone reminds it of the times it was stuck in a trench fighting off german pokemon? All in all, this pokemon is more favored text to me then everything, Also i would never use this one in battle, 215 base stats sucks, which is why i take it's evolve form over it any day. Now how does this pudgy thing turn into a ferret.....MAGIC! Don't question pokemon logic, there never anything wrong with it never, and the pokedex lore is never unreliable Nope Never.