[b][center]Kei – Tolbana - Floor 1[/center][/b] After talking until morning Kei and Kiyomi had just decided to sit and rest until it was time for the meeting, it wasn’t long before Kei started to daze off since at that point the two of them were doing nothing. He didn’t notice anything change around him. Obviously he took note of the fact that it was now daytime but other than that he did not notice the streets being filled up with NPCs. Kei was taken out of this daze quiet quickly. After taking a light kick to his leg he snapped out of it and looked up to see Kiyomi was standing over him. He shook his head slightly and darted up.「Yeah, let's get to that meeting.」He sounded a bit panicked because he was so quickly caught off guard that he did not know how else to respond. After regaining his full consciousness he followed after Kiyomi’s figure, it wasn’t long before the effect of her orange player status started to draw attention around them. Letting out a sigh he moved closer to Kiyomi. To show that he was not afraid and so that he could at least try to put the message across that she is not an orange player at heart. Kei leaned in just enough so that Kiyomi could hear his hushed voice.「Disregard these people you have nothing to worry about, I will stand by you as a friend, even if it means just the two of us against the rest of them.」He smiled and then pulled away. Kiyomi didn’t say anything rather she was quiet the whole way to the meeting location. [b][center]Kei – Tolbana Theater – Floor 1[/center][/b] When the two of them reached the meeting location Kiyomi led the two of them to the farthest side of the seats. Without much of a wait a player named Diavel came out and started to talk divulge the details for the plan of defeating the last boss, he mentioned how col will be evenly distributed upon the death of the boss as well stuff about item distribution and last hit bonus. Kei just listened intently, when it came to him announcing the various groups, Kei leaned in towards Kiyomi and in a whisper started talking.「So what do you say two the two of us being a part of groups C and D? Between the two of us I believe we can put out more than enough damage to Illfang, but if you rather be a part of a different group I am ok with that too.」Kei didn't pull back right away as he still needed to hear her answer. --- [hider=Items] 5 Throwing Picks 5 Lockpicks 2 Antidote Potions 1 Healing Crystals 3 Healing Potions 2 Teleport Crystal 1 Message Record Crystals [/hider]