[i]“Fuck it, I want that bonus.”[/i] -Chris, Page 1. --- [center][b]Central Apartments[/b][/center] --- As Kiku investigated the other rooms she would find nothing of any significant interest, darting in and out of each one yielded nothing. If there were anymore Vampyrs, they weren't here. This area was secure for the snipers to move in, she simply had to go get them now. However, once she finished and ended up back in the main hallway, she would hear a woman's scream out on the left side of the apartments--someone had fallen from the top of the building! Abimael had lowered his pistol when his name was used. The sound of a screaming woman falling to her death got his attention though, and he jumped in fear before curling up into a ball. There didn't appear to be much that Raen could do except report Abimael being here or not, as from the looks of it, he wasn't going anywhere fast. He could of course also try to drag Abimael places, though judging by his unorthodox appearance, that might not be wise. [b]"G-Go."[/b] Abimael croaks out, before pointing to himself. [b]"S-Stay."[/b] That is when Raen would hear the voice in his mind again, the angelic voice. Kiku would also overhear it, though could tell it was meant for Raen. [i]"Tell Abimael to cooperate with your soldiers and report his being there. Consider him a gift for your scientists, so long as they do not harm him."[/i] Meanwhile, on the rooftop, Junko's attempts to get the mutant's attention succeeded. Not that it took much goading, as she walked towards them with a savage grin on her lips. A bullet pierced the creature's chest and it hesitated, but didn't seem to actually be mortally wounded by it as it continued to advance, chainsword coming to life. [b]"All sinners shall perish before the might of the lo--"[/b] She is interrupted by the sound of a screaming lunatic using a jet pack, Jenive, who, when realizing that neither of her weapons would do much good to it from what she saw, decided to slam the creature off the side of the rooftop using her jetpack and her own body as a battering ram. The creature's chainsword falls to the ground as it is hit, sliding to Junko's feet it was powered by some odd substance as there was no smoke to indicate gasoline and yet it clearly in operation from the sounds of the interior motors in the hilt. Looking up she would see the creature fall off the side of the building, eyes wide open in surprise, before screaming a series of guttural curses in latin. Jenive rubs her left arm in pain, and looks at Junko with an awkward smile. Her left arm had been burned by simply coming into contact with the creature, and the fog wasn't helping. [b]"Welp! That worked! Nice thinking with the bait!"[/b] --- [center][b]South West[/b][/center] --- Brucey's distracting attack actually proved remarkable effective against the mutant wolves, who weren't paying attention to Brucey and were seemingly obeying the last orders they received to a fault. One is immediately bathed in flame as the other scampers away. The mutant wolf on fire howls in intense pain before, seconds later, being reduced to some kind of orange liquid substance, though the liquid quickly enough blackened and turned to ashes. Fire appeared to be an effective weapon, if one could get a very good, close range burst on them. Though whether that worked against all the mutants or not was debatable. A few seconds of climbing up onto the APC was all the second mutant wolf needed to close the distance. With utterly inhuman speed, it dashes through the fog faster than Daniel's standard sensor package can track, and sinks its elongated jowls into the mech's left knee during its ascent. Brucey's mech made it atop the APC, but its left knee joint was now disabled and locked into a partially bent state, causing the rest of the world to look somewhat slanted to him as the computer warned him that there was something attached to his leg. The fangs sunk in closer and closer, threatening to possible even sever the leg before being hit with a large piece of concrete in a power fist. Daniel had caught up and decidedly ended its life in the safest manner possible. After all, he wouldn't cook the APC, and he was actively covering Brucey. On the other hand, Chris' wide turn to try and put space between him and the mutant put him too far out for Brucey to help. Not that the flamethrowers would be too effective at covering him through precise methods anyway. Nathaniel and Chris would both hear the most spine chilling growl from behind as they turned the corner on the APC, and Nathaniel locked up in fear. He wasn't mentally or physically prepared for such an encounter, though Chris would rotate on his heels and fire at the two charging wolves. Despite having inhuman speed, one falters and falls over in anguish, several pellets laden into its skull. While it still wasn't dead it still felt pain. The other wolf, however, closed the gap and tackled Chris to the ground. Its maw locks around his right leg and in one quick, deadly motion, the leg snaps in three places. As though that wasn't bad enough, Chris would hear the sound of a chainsword revving up as the chainsword mutant charged from its compromised APC position towards them. He'd manage to lift up his shotgun and try to take a shot, though only a few pellets hit, and despite getting a chest shot, it didn't seem to have any real effect on the chainsword mutant except to piss him off. He swings down with his chainsword and in a bloody menagerie of guts and arterial spray, Chris' life came to an eventful and disturbing end. Nathaniel would snap back and look back at Chris' corpse, the wolf had managed to gnaw his leg off, and he could see the chainsword mutant madly cutting the corpse in half across the chest. He had nearly finished... And when he was finished, he would go after Nathaniel next. The only thing keeping him safe were the pheromones emanating from his body that told them that he was no real threat. And thus, his option became plain and obvious: [b]Run[/b]. --- [center][b]South East[/b][/center] --- Georgia advanced to the APC to Carolyn. Upon asking about her 'older brother' she would see Antov pulling it out with him as he climbed out of the tank. He gave it to Carolyn, who in turn handed it to Georgia. [b]"Safe and sound."[/b] She whispers, though concern was still in her voice that she would be thinking of that now and not about her, or anyone else around. [b]"Quick, we need to move."[/b] Antov stated plainly as Carolyn looks back at the large creature, and grits her teeth as she sees it advancing on Eira and Roman. As Antov scrambles out of the tank and starts limping for the apartments, Carolyn looks to the tank and starts climbing inside. Just as soon as her feet get into the hatch the tank's engine comes to a sputtering stop. Her eyes widen and she curses it. [b]"They're on their own now."[/b] She states simply and sadly as she grabs Georgia by the arm and runs for the apartments. Just as they're about to enter the apartments, they hear something hit the pavement a few feet away from them. Carolyn and Georgia are both splattered with a few orange droplets as they would see a few physical giblets of what was likely once one of the mutants. Jenive's voice can then be heard on the radio. [b]"Oops! Hope nobody got hurt down there!"[/b] It was clear from the tone of her voice that she was in pain. Meanwhile, Morai grinned a little at James' mention of owing him one. [b]"Just pay me back in gin."[/b] He states plainly as he follows James' lead and limps with him. James' declaration of friendlies is followed up with Morai shouting the same in another language, it sounded oriental in origin, only further cementing his immigrant background. As James and Morai reach the few survivors now on the bottom floor of the apartment and scattered over a couple of bachelour suites, Georgia and Carolyn get inside as well. Carolyn looks back outside and her eyes widen at the sight of the orange puddle slowly becoming a solid again, though they likely had a few minutes before it could finish. [b]"No fucking way..."[/b] She states with a pale face as Morai looks over. Though not disturbed, he looked concerned as he looks at James. [b]"Your plan of running away? I think that's a good plan here. Advance through this apartment away from the fog. Start radioing for evac and start getting the survivors moving."[/b] The sergeant appeared to be taking charge of the situation as he limped over to Carolyn and Georgia. [b]"Georgia, I see you made it."[/b] He says with a small grin. [b]"Remind me later and we can split a bottle of gin."[/b] He then motions around at the various survivors, there were only eight there, not including Antov or Carolyn, and most of them in pilot jumpsuits. No camouflage. Morai grimaced as he looked outside. He bites his lip before he opens the med kit that James had generously given the survivors, taking out a bottle of pain killers and eating twice the recommended dosage before giving it back to the survivors. With a deep breath he tests weight on his leg, still grimacing in pain, but now able to stand on it, despite being a bit sluggish in more precise movements. [b]"I'm going back for the other two of your group."[/b] He states plainly. [b]"The rest of you, move out."[/b] With that said, he steps out from the apartment, and starts moving for the other side of the street to try and intercept Roman and Eira. Prior to this, Roman managed to get behind Eira after tossing his frag grenades. They succeeded in damaging the Goleyeith's eyes again, and though it seemed pained, it didn't stop its attack against Eira. It lashes out with its limbs, and although the attack wasn't accurate, it manages to grasp Mercy's right arm, and with a violence not even seen in mother nature, rips it off. [i]"Warning: Lost connection with right arm!"[/i] Eira's mech would inform her of the obvious as it was about to move in to finish her off, before being sprayed with several 50 calibre rounds and a pair of rockets to its back side. [b]"YEEEEHAW!"[/b] Achilles Heel has arrived. [b]"Git'on outta there! This is a tango for two now y'hear?"[/b] Roman looked down the dark alleyway and noticed two paths. One deeper into the fog, and one away from it, both alleyways that would ordinarily have a hard time fitting Eira's mech, though missing an arm, it would fit now. From the path deeper into the fog, Roman realized there were things moving around back there, but they didn't seem interested in him. Strange, the mutants had been nothing but filled with a genocidal, murderous intent before, and surely they had seen him, yet... Was it worth risking an investigation now, knowing that at any time the Achilles Heel might run out of ammo or have to retreat? --- [center][b]Reinforcements![/b][/center] --- The sound of the plane's jet engines would be an odd sensation for most aboard. They were the backup crew, those ready to deploy in the event of a catastrophe, or a very dangerous situation. Aboard were a few people, bounding for various places, but at the moment, they were hovering just over what was quickly becoming known as the Battle Zone of Downtown. There, divided into three sections (central, south west, south east) they had been ordered to wait by a higher up named Mirkov. In the back of the plane was the cargo hold, where those with parachutes and jet packs were awaiting clearance to drop. Large enough even to hold small mechs, this plane was expensive, likely far above any of their pay grades to dream of flying. One woman in particular there was waving people off the plane. Covered head to toe in sleek black armour she ran off a list of names and told them to drop at a mere five thousand feet, though their parachutes were quick deploying, and could be used as low as five hundred feet safely, but no lower. A stern, but soft voice came through their radios. [b]"Sam Houston, Liam Grillod, Marvin Walters, South West. JUMP!"[/b] Sam's mech was equipped with a parachute large enough for itself, and which would automatically cut itself away from his mech when it detected that he was at ground level. [b]"Peter Táo, South East, JUMP!"[/b] She then stops and taps her helmet, likely switching to a private channel. [i]"I'm depending on you to retrieve one of Eve's personal projects, or Eve herself. Failure is not an option."[/i] [i]"Of course Mirkov."[/i] [i]"Oh, and one other thing, Alyss... Someone from your past is down there. I'm assuming there won't be any... Trouble."[/i] [i]"I... I'm past that. He can't recognize me in my armour anyway... The mission will come first, Mirkov."[/i] [i]"Good. Best of luck, and come home safely. If you should die--"[/i] [i]"--Die like a Russian."[/i] With that said in a private channel, she looks to Mathew Fetcher and motions him off the plane. [b]"Mathew Fetcher, Central, JUMP!"[/b] She jumps off as well, using her jet pack to slow her descent, though Matthew would likely get there before she would. She would succeed. There was no other choice than success in her mind.