[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o194XO3mdsM]An allied hero has fallen[/url]. A moment of silence for the dead. Read the IC post before reading the hider, obviously, and listen to the music if you want it to be atmospheric for this short note. [hider=Fallen][i]"Chris was a lively soldier. He believed in strength--in himself, and in his comrades, at least, his male ones anyway. He brought to the team a determined sense of purpose and duty, and fell valiantly attempting to rescue an innocent civilian from a war torn battle zone. Chris has earned his marked grave in Bunker Chicago. God rest his soul."[/i] -Death Record, Colonel Marie Black.[/hider] --- [b]@Reinforcements:[/b] You can drop in wherever you feel is most appropriate, though a recommendation for the south west drops, avoid dropping straight into the fog. Enemies may capitalize on this. Spend a post getting into the fog rather than dropping in straightaway and hoping for the best. [b]@Raen:[/b] It seems your past is catching up to you. [b]@Everyone:[/b] As always, if you need anything, let me know.