Yeah, this is an RP based on To Aru Majutsu No Index/To Aru Kagaku No Railgun anime but it will be different. [hider=Academy City Map and District] Source:TMNI Wiki Academy City is a landlocked sovereign city-state whose territory consists of a walled enclave within the Tokyo Metropolitan Employment Area. As the city's name suggests, it is a city of several schools and institutions of higher learning from kindergarten to university level that learn side-by-side along with the scientists who research on psychic powers and higher technology, the latter being one of the primary reasons for its establishment. It is the most advanced city in the world and its technology is said to be 30 years ahead of the world. Academy City is composed of 23 districts, called School Districts which are simply numbered from one to twenty-three and each of these districts have a specific purpose. District Number Functions/Specializations/Noted Locations 1 Where most of the city's administration is located 2 Training areas for Judgment and Anti-Skill, military-related facilities 3 Accomodations for authorized outsiders (which also includes hotels, private pools, etc.) 4 Food-related facilities, including experimental crop growing 5 Mostly filled with universities and junior colleges 6 Recreational facilities, which also includes an amusement park 7 Middle and high schools, school dormitories, boarding houses, hospitals, the "Windowless Building" where Aleister Crowley is located 8 Mainly for the various teaching staff of the city 9 Industrial arts and fine arts schools 10 Reformatories, nuclear energy research facilities, the city's only cemetery 11 Goods transfer 12 Theology system schools 13 Kindergartens and primary schools 14 Accomodations and various other facilities for overseas students 15 A large district consisting of the city's major shopping district and mass communications facilities 16 Focuses on commerce 17 Railway cargo storage and organization 18 Kirigaoka Girls' Academy and Nagatenjouki Academy 19 Uncertain; has been in a decline recently 20 Schools focused on raising athletic students along with their esper abilities 21 Dams for water storage; observatory in the mountains. 22 The smallest district in terms of surface area; this district is mainly for developing technology for an underground town in the face of land shortages in major cities 23 Airline companies and aeronautics and space development Map of Academy City: [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Locations] Just some important locations in the RP Faith Hills Academy - Where all our characters which are Espers studies Rising Hope Academy - Where all characters which are not Espers studies and will discover their esper ability there. [/hider] Oh i almost forgot, Esper means ability users.Judgements are police with Esper abilities and Anti-Skills are normal police. [hider=Rules] [b][u]OOC:[/b][/u] 1.No flaming 2.No overpowered espers 3. No Gary Stu or Mary Stu 4.You can't play a character from TMNI/TKNR 5.2 characters only will have the same power [b][u]IC:[/b][/u] 1.Fighting is allowed but no killing 2.No god modding 3.Your post must be at least 2 paragraphs long with correct grammar and spelling except for interactions (If you read the rules put a number somewhere in your CS where I can easily see it) [/hider] [hider=CS] [u][b]Bio[/u][/b] Name: Codename: (if applicable. Railgun, Accelerator, etc) Age: Gender: [u][b]General[/u][/b] Appearance: (picture, description or both) Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Strengths: (not to do with Esper power) Weaknesses: [b][u]Faction[/b][/u] Are you a judgement member? Anti-skill? Or just a normal student? (You can't be an Anti-Skill if you're an esper and the same with non-espers.Non-espers can't join judgement because they are not espers.) History/Background:(a paragraph is okay) [b][u]Esper Power[/b][/u] Type: (electrokinesis, pyrokinesis, teleportation, etc) Level: (0-5, 0 means no powers) Description: (the specifics of what your power does) [/hider] [hider= My CS] [b][u]Bio[/b][/u] Name: Kouichi Kihara Codename: Mindbreak Age: 18 Gender: Male [b][u]General[/b][/u] Appearance:[url=] Personality: he acts very anti-social.he doesn't like to get surrounded by people, he enjoys the atmosphere of loneliness.He is intelligent when it comes to psychology.If Kouichi have friends although he is anti-social, he will do everything to keep them although it costs a life. Likes: People,Desserts,Puppies Dislikes:Meat,Insects Strengths: He knows that he is not lonely Weaknesses: scared of heights [b][u]Faction[/b][/u] Judgement History/Background: Kouichi was born in Osaka,Japan.He discovered his powers when he grows up due to his great intelligence about Psychology.Due to his powers, he is not allowed to make contact and now his teacher is his private tutor.Kouichi lived a lonely life until he turns into 18.Kouichi moved to Academy City to improve his power.He then join the Judgement as he got interested to join it and after the training, he is now a full-pledged Judgement member.Kouichi is around the Academy City during weekends to keep the evil out of Academy City [b][u]Esper Power[/b][/u] Type: Mind Manipulation Level: 4 Description: Mind Manipulation allows the user to read and control minds of the people that surrounds them in 12m range.The user can either read his mind or control him like hypnotism.Also, he can show what the person fears by using this ability to scare that person.Also, the ability can make the person have a headache.However, the user cannot manipulate all person, the user can only a manipulate a person with a weak mind. [/hider] [hider=Accepted Characters] Murasaki Hiyori(Lv.5 Technokinesis) - Makatsume Haru Junpei Hibiya (Lv.4 Frostbite) - Lovergames Kouichi Kihara (Lv.4 Mind Manipulation) - TheRpgGamer (GM) [/hider]