[u]Gods in Ivellios[/u] The four Gods watched the unclaimed pieces die and crumbled into death within the college grounds. Their bodies fell into growing piles from the demons' weapons as Gaurot's domain went to work, their once living energies swirled and danced off the board where they separated into their components. Sins shifted into the Inferno while the souls were tossed into the pit. It was a very old process that no longer truly needed the Gaurot's presence to complete it. However it wasn't the gloomy display that had caught the four Gods's attention but the actual life and death struggle within the college. Demons, mortal's fellow toys of the divine, slashed then hacked down guard, student, and more alike as the mortals attempted to defend their home. Each God sought out his or her 'favorite' when the chaos had began. Either to see the pawn's victory or failure, their mettle proven in the battle field of a usual peaceful scene around this time of year. Ren's face gave little away to his inner thoughts as he watched his own pawn's, the feisty red haired Wood Elf, conflict first against Khan's demon then with a fellow student took out more. It wasn't her victory over Khan's tool which had impressed the God but her ability to cooperate, his mind pushed aside his lingering doubts she had even reached her full potential. It was then he noticed Duuri's current mood and posture. The red haired Goddess had her arms crossed over the table, her bottom lip out in a slight pout and seemed fixed upon the infirmary. After a moment or two, she edged a finger out to touch her chosen toy, her figure fallen into a heap. Without warning, Ren's hand snapped out and took hold of Duuri's wrist and stopped her finger just inches from contact with the half breed's head. "Duuri, no..." Ren spoke in a calm voice, his fingers tightened against his sister's attempt to interfere. Her eyes looked at him with childish guilt as both voices spoke, one outraged inside his head and the other curious. "Why? I just want to give her a little boost." 'Back off Ren, this is none of your business! She's my pawn, I'll do as I like!' Ren's hand tightened, his patience prevented him from hurting her any farther before he reminded her the consequence of her would be actions. "You know the rules. Besides, the last you... had aided with your power, you drove him insane. It's bad enough your gifts are both a blessing and a curse but thankfully only a few have been discovered. I rather you don't add more trouble then what's there." Xiah's light hearted chuckle broke any farther argument from Duuri, the two's head turned to see the reason for the mirth from the Lust Goddess. In her currently form, she had a full figure and white hair coiled up into a small bun, pinned to the back of her head as she held her hand to stifle her amusement. When she spotted Ren's warning glance she rolled her eyes. "What did you expect Ren? She picked such a freak of nature that's little wonder she fell short of expectations and risked everything to protect another little freak. You should've chosen better my little, naive sister." Duuri frowned and abruptly pulled her hand from her brother's grip, her cheeks puffed in a slight temper at her sister. "Xiah, take it back! Stop teasing my pawn!" "As if, Duuri. The Foreas is much prettier then yours any day and far superior. Mine after wasn't stupid enough to nearly kill herself." Xiah continued to bait, her lips curled up in a smile and played with her nails. "No, Xiah. Yours just had help from the Noxomancer, didn't she?" Aarem's voice spoke out against Xiah's taunting as he seemed to have appeared from no where. His form stepped from the table and pulled behind her, his eyes seemed to be cold and the usual pleasantness filled them. Xiah froze in place at the sound of his voice, her eyes turned back to glimpse him there. He looked a bit like a cat toying with a mouse in his claws, he scanned from her to Duuri then finally Ren. "Then again, this is what happens when Divinity, even pitiful minor deities, interfere with the world." Ren's expression narrowed upon his brother. "What are you saying, Aarem?" Aarem lips turned into a greasy smile with his coated words. "Merely the fact things didn't go to shit until those wretch Naga Goddesses became involved. Even now they slither free like rats without punishment for disrupting our game... My little pawn too weak to return to his old ways or he would've finished off the child killer in the most pleasant of ways." "But he didn't, Aarem. And this doesn't seem like the three Minor Goddesses work. It doesn't involve their future or one of their own. It would make no sense." Ren defended against the thoughts he suspected swirled within his brother's head. Gently, he pushed past Duuri and came face to face with Aarem. The two Goddesses fell eerily silent at the tense between the pair, their faces each reflected their opinion until finally Aarem broke it. "Very well brother... But keep in mind I will not be walked on forever. The bitches interfere again then I will ensure they suffer dearly. Make that clear the next time you visit them, won't you?" Slowly Aarem turned away and walked off alone, the other three left to watch the mayhem still rampant in the College. [u]Ovak: Archmage[/u] [center]~---Minutes before Norschtalen entered---~[/center] The room, unlike the rest of the College, was dead silent. Seemingly oblivious to the death which bathed the stones and was soaked by the school's dying allies, the air was still in a eerie calmness shared only by its sole occupant: the Archmage. The once proud man, a strong and intimated mage, was propped against the many pillows and covered by several mix match fur blankets across the bed. A fragile figure was completely shrouded within the velvet drapes. They hung from a rod connected to each of the four posts in each corner, their stout body carved in a braided and twisted design all the way up into a claw foot. Light illuminated from several handcrafted candles and pyromancy runes that settled on to twin table beside him. They filled the room with a faint glow, one that barely spread a foot outwards and grew dimmer with the distance. At the side and leading to the balcony was the glass window paneled doors that sealed out the bitter chill, it's frosty touch danced upon the surface creating a beauty only unique to nature. The frame made from a firewood, origins unknown, which had curved to firmly twine about each rectangular plate. Far too quickly the serenity was shattered when the door flew open. A vampire, Norschtalen, then darted through and toward the balcony as her hasten steps cause the age figure's eyes to snap open. Bright blue, they studied the young creature that dared to intrude rudely into the Archmage's room and disrupt his needed rest. Slowly he examined the power which radiated off her, the vampire's attention bluntly unaware of his presence when she ripped open the door and walked out. Blood mixed with the winter air after Norschtalen bite her thumb, her back turned to the Archmage while she spoke. "Poor, petty mortals. Your struggle will be the siren's song of the college...A new age will unfold. No gods. No Masters. Only Kudd." The Archmage's eyes sparked at the mention of the name, his body pulled to rise from his bed. A withered hand raised as vines grew from the firewood frame and slither about the stone floor until it reached him. The wood cracked and formed into a staff he used to support himself, his voice rang out when he rose to his feet. "He's only merely using you for his own gains, young vampire. Deception is one of his greatest skills and one he's had plenty of time to perfect." Ovak's eyes glowed alongside his tattoos, his magic activated to show he was on the defensive. If Kudd's servant tried anything then she would find his own magic far more formidable as it would both null hers and then send the vampire straight out the window.