[hider=CS][B]Bio[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Murasaki Hiyori [B]Codename:[/B] Technocrisis. [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [U][B]General 7[/B][/U] [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG] http://pic.yipev.com/data/img13/20110823041351/thumb_goh946st.jpg[/IMG] She stands at 1.82 m. Her build is rather voluptuous and she wears a pair of glasses as seen in the image. Her hair is black and reaches her mid-back. She has purple eyes. [B]Personality:[/B] She is quite arrogant and confident on how she is and what she knows, as well as being very confident of her abilities, both mental and physical, though she has not much to show off in the range of physical abilities, but she refuses to accept she isn’t good at something. Hiyori looks down on people who often say or do idiotic and senseless things, since her whole life is ruled by logic and logic alone. She doesn’t find enjoyable fantasy settings nor would she believe in anything that can’t be proved with numbers and the scientific method, often dismissing it as BS. Since she is like that, she can also be called naïve and sceptical. She also despises anyone who won’t go according to her calculus and predictions, calling them ‘irregulars’ for getting out of the type Hiyori encased them in. She finds this kind of people hard to understand and, whether they are interesting enough or not, she might try to decipher whatever goes through their mind or put them in her personal list of people she should nev-er ever again talk with. Also, people she finds interesting would get a special treatment from her, since she becomes way too touchy-feely and invading the personal space of others, saying it is for ‘research’ purposes. Hiyori, however, has an aversion for people touching her and only when she is the one touching others is when she doesn’t feel uncomfortable. She has a knack for technology and also is her favourite thing in the whole world, saying she would probably die if she didn’t had technology around her in a range of at least 5 m, and, funny enough, she does seem to become weaker when she is far from any kind of electronic, however, whether she puts up an act with this or if it really affects her in some way due to her Esper powers is unknown. [B]Likes:[/B] Technology, science, investigations, videogames and books (Just in virtual format, though) [B]Dislikes:[/B] Being away from technology, fantastical nonsense, self-proclaimed magicians, being touched by others, anything that has acquired a virtual format and still is in its original format (e.g. physical format books) [B]Strengths:[/B] Extremely intelligent and also extremely good with anything that has the littlest bit of technology. She also has a photographic memory. Can eat a lot and stay in her current figure due to her metabolism (She considers this a strength). Extremely quick reading speed. [B]Weaknesses:[/B] Physically weak. She has a one-sided self-induced case of haphephobia and she can’t stand being touched, she says she needed a special quirk since every genius is eccentric. Way too arrogant and self-confident, which also sometimes lead to underestimating an opponent. [B]Faction[/B] Judgement [B]History/Background:[/B] Hiyori, since she was a child, has had a great love for everything technological, however, this also made her seem as someone weird and many others looked down on her, to the point of being bullied by her classmates. Thanks to this, she also developed her arrogant behaviour, since the only thing she could defend herself was looking down on others for being so stupid they couldn’t match her when it came to academic abilities, however, this only distanced her further from everyone else. She grew up being called a weirdo and many times being looked down upon, but her fathers also provided an emotional anchor for her, so it wasn’t all completely bad. Due to her knack for technological things and many times accomplishing impossible things for a child her age, she was put under investigation to see if she had some kind of potential as an Esper, and, not so surprising, she had a great potential for becoming one, thanks to her great mind. [B][U]Esper Power[/U][/B] [B]Type:[/B] Technokinesis [B]Level:[/B] 5 [B]Description:[/B] Through the modification and control of specific electrons, she is able to control any kind of object that has advanced technology within it. While she can control many objects at once, her effective range is limited to 10 m. She can repurpose simple machines and make weapons out of them. She can also detect any kind of electrical wave in a range of 5 km, also the ones humans produce, but it is way weaker than what she can feel from technological devices, also, how strong she feels those electrical waves get weaker as it gets farther away from Hiyori. Hiyori can also reprogram any software, though she also needs to use her own abilities for that. [/hider] Here is my CS, just say the word if there's anything wrong. Oh, also, hope you can accommodate her in one of the power levels.