Tristan was halfway to the chem lab when there was a loud crash followed by the sound of a gun shot. "What the?" He looked around and soon running down the hall was a hysterical jock. It wasn't Vance. No Vance wasn't that fat. "Dude I'm sorry!" The guy shouted as he tripped and scrambled too his feet. "Parker... Dude... Help me. You know nerds. Calm this one down?" The jock pleaded as a young trembling kid about Tristan's ages came down the hall holding a gun. "You big idiots thought it was funny to push me around. Well now I'm pushing back." The kid said. "Jeremy?" Tristan asked a little shocked. This kid was number one in the school. Yeah the seniors and the juniors were up there with them, but he and Jeremy took the top spots. "Parker... Dude... Get out of here. I don't have any problems with you." Jeremy said calmly. "Don't you dare Parker." The jock, Drew, said quickly. "Jeremy don't do this." Tristan said calmly. "Just move Parker. I'm sick of these jerks. Every year it's the same thing. And it's not just me either. A few of us got our hands on some stuff and now... Now we're gonna show the jocks, the cheerleaders." Tristan shook his head. [i]A few of them? Maybe what? Five or six. No... 7. Seven kids the little anti-bullying seminars couldn't protect. Poor guys were beaten down by the bullies, and the craziness and stress of trying to hope they would come out on top.[/i] Tristan sighed trying to think and focus his Spider-sense to try and pinpoint certain things. But his concentration was broken by the sound of the alarm. But that wasn't the whole safety, shooter alarm thing. God why didn't he pay attention at the school assemblies? Still that was the fire alarm. Luckily the principle was quit to announce that nobody should leave the rooms. "Run." Tristan whispered. He and Drew broke off into a sprint away from Jeremy while he looked around a bit confused. Obviously he wasn't in the best of mind sets and he hadn't anticipated the Principal's quick announcement. "You had your chance Parker!" Jeremy shouted as he snapped back to focus and tried to run after. Tristan wasn't focused on that though. As soon as he could he broke away from Drew moving in the opposite direction. Luckily it was easy to do so. He found a nice dark quiet corner and began to change. "It's always something." He mumbled quietly as he jumped to crawl along the ceiling his book bag hidden away in his locker. He needed to find these kids. (heh she can have a little fight time with the kids and then the spider ;P)