[quote=Holmishire] Honestly, I am also tempted to see what's in the fog, just in case they are more survivors. Of course, it's risky, as that Goliath is still coming for us, and if it comes to it, I have an evac and you don't, as far as I can tell. Also, I'm packing a little bit less firepower these days. In character, Eira will follow Roman in whichever choice he makes at this point. He asks Eira to give him backup in the fog, she'll do it, and I'll happily oblige. The Goliath is bigger than the , and so we should have some small amount of time while it tries to break through to make contact. Though we'll need to rush in to get out of distance of those arms. [/quote] Alright. I think we should explore the fog. The Goleyeith is either going to try and follow us and not fit down the path or pay attention to the Achilles Heel instead, so we [i]may[/i] have a chance at doubling back for safety depending on how that plays out. I'll be sure to write up a story post tomorrow.