Welcome Sladin! I'm glad you joined the community of RoleplayerGuild, the community here is all really nice and I'm sure anybody is willing to help you if needed. I'm willing to answer any question you have. No question is stupid. Role-playing is just like writing a book, or even a fanfiction, but with a lot of help from the people in the rp, and much shorter per post (unless advanced). It's really easy and fun. some things to keep in mind when role-playing would be to never control other people's characters, or making your character so powerful it can't ever be hit or harmed. as a beginner I suggest searching the interest checks in the free roleplays and start practicing with roleplay in the free forum thread's rps that you are interested in. That way you can type freely without to much worry. If you would like I could give you a list of roleplaying terms.