The last thing Deren had expected was for what seemed to be the entire crew to crowd around in the kitchen. Yes, [i]now[/i] they come over to talk to him. When he actually had things to do. Back to Arren, the cook. He wasn't exactly friendly, judging from the few words he spoke. That didn't matter, he just needed a good cook. "Well then Arren, congratulations, you've been demoted from noble to captain's cook. As long as my food isn't poisoned or anything that has to do with reducing my life, we should be fine. You may get someone to work under you, if anyone else has no other use." He gave a curt nod, as it seemed both of them wanted to get back to what they were doing. Deren was about to, when a noble - twice as dressed up as him - walked in. The man Introduced himself. Of course, that was [i]after[/i] he made his captain burst out laughing by eating a raw onion. "That's the first time someone has ever tried to impress me by eating a raw onion! Hats off to you for originality, though!" Deren had covered his mouth with his hand to cover up his laughing, trying to not be rude. The man had displayed some impressive swordsmanship skills, but he wasn't sure what to think about the man himself now. "If you'll excuse me Lance, I do need to find myself a navigator. I'm sure we'll get you in some position where those skills wont go to waste." He made his way out of the stuffy kitchen, looking down at his watch. It looked like he'd have to find himself a navigator a little bit later. Right now he had to get the rest of the crew ready and started on moving this ship. Deren half walked half trotted up the stairs and onto the back of the ship, where there was a good enough view of him and where his voice would carry out even to the people on the opposite end of the ship. "Untie the ropes! Open the sails! One of you get to moving that wheel, yes just like that! You over there, don't be leaning on the rails!" There were orders shouted at anyone he could find a finger to point at. The ropes securing the ship to the docks were untied, the sails were unfurled, the man who had too much whiskey was at the wheel and surprisingly good at it, and a few other crew members scurried by, trying to make sure things were in place. --------- "Miss, you can't get on that ship! It's already leaving, see?!" A man yelled, grabbing onto a woman's wrist to prevent her from boarding the ship leaving the docks. However, she carried a large suitcase and while throwing it onto the ship 'accidentally' hit the man in the head. She let out an almost insane laugh, and grabbed onto one of the nets attached to the ship. Mahrji let out a yelp as the rope dug into her hands, but held on tightly. She made her way slowly up the net, and tumbled over onto the deck of the ship. She sat up and brushed off her fur coat, as well as smoothing out her lavender dress. "I expected a little bit of help, but fine." Mahrji glanced about the ship, looking for a familiar face. She saw many she did not recognize, and finally her gaze landed on the captain of the ship. The grin she gave was almost joyful, and would be, if it wasn't accompanied by a drawn out lowered voice meant to be threatening. "Deeeereeeen..." With that, she ran up the stairs - startlingly fast considering she was wearing heels - and slammed into her older brother with a hug. Deren let out an 'oomph' sound and took a step back, not exactly having any time to react to what had just happened. "You ass," she let herself get a solid punch in on his shoulder before going back to squeezing him. "You told me you were sailing tomorrow, and you said I could come along! You lied to me!" Her words became muffled as she buried her face into his cloak and shoulder. After a brief moment, she looked up at him again with her big brown eyes. "So I'm going to be taking your room." Deren stared down at her, and blinked a few times. His room was the only nice room, and though he wouldn't want his younger sister to sleep with a bunch of people who were most likely criminals, he didn't want to sleep with them either. "No, you're not. We're going back and getting you home." Mahrji shook her head and smiled politely before walking back down the stairs. "No we're not, and yes I am." With that she dragged her suitcase behind her and walked into the captain's quarters, then threw out Deren's suitcase before closing the door. That was that, and she was staying on the ship. And Deren knew she'd refuse to leave. "... Steer a bit to the right, then go forward! I'll be one moment." Deren grabbed his suitcase and lugged it behind him as he walked into where the rest of the crew was sleeping. Now to find a navigator.