That post was a lot longer than I thought it would be, oops. :'D [hider=Mahrji Anjora] Name: Mahrji Anjora Age: 29 Species: Human Position: Free Personality: Overly excitable, optimistic about everything, manipulative, smarter than she lets on, very childlike, has an insane streak, stubborn, loud and outspoken, enjoys talking with people but doesn't seem to understand that she needs to listen, expects to get her way, does try to be 'ladylike' as much as she can. Looks: [url=]Here[/url] History: She was the baby of her family, and so she got away with nearly everything. Though she always seemed to enjoy bossing Deren around, more than the rest of her siblings. She would still follow him around wherever he went, but stopped really taking an interest in him when she was around twelve. Instead she focused more on more 'ladylike' things, which she enjoyed immensely but still she got bored at times with them, and longed for the times when she'd play games with her brother and his friends without worrying too much about other things. So when she heard he was going to be off sailing, she made him promise he'd take her along, as she believed this would cure her boredom and perhaps get her reacquainted with her older brother. Where they lived: Ceirn, rich Skills: Sewing, beekeeping, singing. Reasons for joining the crew: 'To follow Deren.' Extra details: The crest of her family, a crescent moon with three stars as a necklace she typically wears. [/hider]