When the demon dropped a towel on top of his head it had caused a soft chuckle to leave the child's lips. He pushed it back a bit so he could look into the demon's eyes. Most children, and adults, would've started sobbing by now. But the demon, called Vaan, had promised to keep him safe. Little Dan believed in that promise and trusted him. Besides, he didn't think it was him who had killed his parents. He thought he was just there to protect him from the 'bad man'. "Papa?" The boy hummed softly. He wasn't quite certain about that one just yet. But he'd call him Vaan for now. Because, after several attempts, he was unable to pronounce his full name. Daniel gave him a few nods to let him know he understood and that he would come. He didn't want to get hurt as well. He wanted to be safe and not feel afraid. Once again he was scooped up into the demon's arms. He was carried down the hallway to his room. It was a rather big room for a child of his age. The walls were white, but the ceiling was dark blue with yellow and white dots and clouds. There was also a small moon in the corner of his room. Daniel loved the night. He loved the starry ceiling of the sky and the pale globe that always seemed to change and place itself somewhere differently. There were some toys laying around on the carpet. Most of them in the corner of the room. There were also some drawings of strange creatures he'd see while he was in school. But those were all piled up as his parents hadn't allowed the young child to hang them on his wall. Daniel had shook his head when Vaan said he couldn't go out without any clothes on. He agreed. He had been put on the ground and was now quickly walking to the closet in the corner of his room. He hesitated before opening and glanced inside the dark, wooden, closet for a while as if he was checking for monsters. There was nothing harmful there. Young Dan then grabbed a white shirt and a nice and warm sweater to pull over it. The sweater was grey and actually far too big for him. It reached till his knees and the sleeves covered his hands. He put on blue pants. It took him a while to button it. Then he sat himself down to put on his socks. He took a good look around before he got back on his feet and quickly got back to Vaanrasha. His small hand took a hold of those of Vaan and he looked up. "I'm ready.." He then said softly. "I don't want to stay here. I don't want the bad man to return.." He gave a soft tug at the demon's hand and kept looking up with his pale blues. He didn't want to get hurt like his father and mother. Nor did he want 'Papa' to get hurt.