[quote=TheWanderingWraith] Name: Kess D'loranAge: 19Gender: femaleSpecies: ArkanianAppearance: Kess could be considered 'pretty' by some. Due to being Arkanian, she looks very human. She has short, wavy dark auburn hair, nearly-black eyes, and gently tanned skin. Kess isn't very tall, only five feet five inches without any shoes on. She has a gentle-featured face, and her small frame is on the slender and lithe side. Her innocent face and quiet voice can be good when questioning some, and good when appealing to others. Due to being Arkanian, Kess only has four digits on her hand instead of a human's five. However, she is just as good with her hands as any human, if not better than some. Kess wears a dark reddish tunic with faded black pants, and often wears a long-sleeved coat her parents sent her. Skills(Include Force abilities/Form if applicable): All core abilities. Force sense and Force Speed are the most powerful. She is very agile and flexible, and also very intelligent and knowledgeable.Weapons: One green lightsaberOther Equipment: a sharp-edged boomerang which Kess uses to practice telekinesis on.History: Kess is the daughter of two successful Arkanian scientists, who were put together through an arranged marriage. However, they got along just fine, their love of science binding them together. They only had one child, Kess. From a very young age, Kess was used to constantly moving, and never staying in one place (or one planet). Sometimes, her parents weren't even together for up to weeks at a time, each working on different projects, and it varied who Kess stayed with. Her cool, almost emotionless Mother, or her passionate, joyous father. Kess was never mistreated or really forgotten, but she didn't get the socialization she should have had, and the (sometimes dangerous) assignments her parents had gave her a jumpy, skittish way of living. The unpredictable and endless questioning was Kess' way of life. However, when she was 6, her Force connection began to emerge. Her parents were very happy with this new discovery, and allowed her to be shipped off to Corusant for jedi recruitment. She is currently waiting for a potential master. [/quote] As I said in0 the IntCHk the fall of the Jedi has happened, if you are sitting chilling in the temple you'll probably have been killed. Caboose will get Beskad up soon. New Jedi appear on Madnalore under the protection of Beskad, if you want to do how they got there speak to CAboose.