As Hawkeye was sitting silently in one of the overwatch towers, weapon in hand in case something unexpected would happen. Suddenly, a call from Command broke Hawkeyes silence and he immediately began to listen as if his life depended on it, because it could, information is key in any war or battle, no matter the circumstances. Hawkeye had not ceased to remain at an ultimate alert, managing to perform look out tasks while communicating with HQ and having a map shown on his HuD device. When it's all been finished he acknowledged with an ''Solid copy HQ, Hawkeye out.'' and made his way to the helipad. Since he was already fully geared for his 20/7 look out schedule he was, almost always ready for a fight. He had forced himself to the look out procedures, if he didn't have anything to do he'd be carried back to his nightmares. He walked across one of the many platforms beneath the main super structure of the Pheonix oil platform and climbed up two sets of ladders to bring him to the 'mainland' of the oil rig. When he was finally done climbing he had been beat by two other's of his team and he greeted them with a casual wave, it was not exactly time for discipline yet, he didn't doubt his team, he'd been with the most of them for a couple of weeks by now and he'd been grateful of them an endless amount of times upon that. However the most of their abilities are situational and this would be just like a chess game, against an opponent which will counter any solid maneuver given he sees, hears, or smells them. He thinks quite grimly in a situation where hope will equal a thousand tonnes of gold, however he cannot help it. it's in his nature, like any other soldier he's lost more than he would like to bargain for. However there's always something known as too much. ''First Lieutenant John, First Lieutenant Jorge.'' He said in a greeting fashion whilst finally lowering his arm as he'd been confirmed that they'd actually seen him. He then spoke out to no one in particular. ''I'll give them 5 minutes, it's a rather large oil platform afterall.''