I wouldn't plan a post ahead: Things are developing far too quickly for that. Just a note for all the current South-west crew: here is the situation. [Hider=The 'Sitch'] Brucie, Daniel and Nathaniel are standing in the fog. Reinforcements are dropping outside of the fog at the moment, presumably next to the guy with the tank. In the last post, Brucie managed to incenrate one wolf from the fog (3 left) and managed to climb atop most of the APC. While doing this, he was attacked by the other fog bound wolf, and that managed to crush most of the left knee joint of the mech. Before the Dog could finish off the knee joint, Daniel managed to slay the beast with a concrete slab.( 2 left) While this was happening, Nathaniel and Chris engaged the Chainsword wielding sod, but were attacked from behind by wolves. Nathaniel froze up, but Chris managed to fill one with enough lead to incapacitate the beast (but not kill it) Sadly, Chris was then killed by the Chainsword wielding motherfucker. All in all, we actually did a lot last post. The mech pair killed two wolves, Brucie achieved his mission and got on top of the APC. Chris stopped one wolf, but was then killed. Enemies: 2 Wolves, one incapacitated, One Chainsaw bastard. PCs: Brucies (Immobile), Nathaniel (Terrified), Daniel (Undamaged, armed with improvised weapon.) [/Hider]