[hider=Rodeo Colton] [center][u]Name[/u] Rodeo “Colt” Colton V [u]Appearance[/u] [img]http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q279/Blazion/RP%20Shots/pic_1377024471_8_zps1f9fee34.jpg[/img][/center] Were it not for some careless accidents working on the ranch, Colt would really be quite handsome. He’s built solidly, with an average height at 5’11’’, though perhaps not as defined as some of his more athletic peers but having solid muscle from daily hard work and handling animals. His hands are calloused and rough, like much of his body, and he’s absolutely covered in body hair. His hair is a dirty blonde, fairly short but not buzzed, a slightly darker blonde lining his broad jaw. He has grey-blue eyes, but the most defining feature would probably be his nose – crooked from being broken more than once it is really a rather distracting feature. --- [center][u]Age[/u] 15 [u]Grade[/u] Freshmen [u]Social Class[/u] Commoner [u]Social Class Explanation[/u][/center] The Colton family has run their ranch for generations, and Colt’s parents are no exception. They make a decent amount of money, being middle class, but truthfully most of their income is turned right around to flow back into the ranch or into savings. There are always improvements to be made, and with any luck Caelbury will turn Colt into a college man. --- [center][u]Personality[/u][/center] The most consistent thing about Colt is that he’s quiet, but not for any reason related to being shy. More than anything Colt is a fellow that prefers observing, a talent grown from watching over animals for most of his life. They don’t tend to care for conversation other than their learned commands being uttered, and a raised voice can startle any big animal that’s spooked enough. As such Colt never really speaks much unless he’s addressed, and even then answers are short and to the point. A side effect to him not speaking much is that Colt is easily pushed into doing things by those louder and more insistent than himself. It’s rare for him to dig his heels in for anything, and any protests he may have easily drowned out since he doesn’t push the issue. For him it’s easier to go with the flow than tread carelessly over people’s feelings. While Colt may be well liked for this fact he doesn’t like himself for it, and how no one usually cares to ask his opinion. The only time this trend is really broken is when Colt’s temper gets the best of him, as when angry words will just start spilling from his mouth – mostly curses. He’s a little more patient than most due to handling stubborn animals since he was a lad, and being the eldest of numerous siblings, but it’s still fairly easy to light that anger with the right buttons being pushed. It’s not uncommon for him to linger on the argument as well, oftentimes long after its done Colt could be found pacing his room muttering to himself. Good luck getting him to forget that argument, or grudge. On the opposite side of the spectrum Colt is very good at caring for others, be they animal or human. He knows first aid as well as how to set a broken bone, and more than that about animals. In the warmer months when birds are first learning how to fly it’s not unusual to find Colt climbing trees to return young hatchlings to their nest or even taking them in with broken wings. In truth while Colt doesn’t prefer the company of animals over humans, he finds them a lot less complicated at the very least. --- [center][u]History[/u][/center] The Colton family is well-established and well-respected in the town of Moose Jaw, Canada; however respect doesn’t mean much for children when a family has a long-standing tradition of the first born son being called ‘Rodeo’. Needless to say the latest Rodeo was teased mercilessly as a child, and while it lessened in middle school when he began going by a shortened version of his last name by then animals were already a large part of his life. It wasn’t just that he lived on the Colton Ranch with his parents and younger siblings, or even that animals were a comfort from the teasing in his young life, but Colt seemed to have a talent with them. His parents taught him compassion to the beasts, both in their herds and the animals they brought in – the Colton’s often took in foster animals from the local animal rescue. From a young age Colt could easily soothe them, make them melt under his talented fingers and seem to know what was wrong. Colt is completely ready to carry on this legacy on the Colton Ranch once his parents retire, but to them it isn’t in the cards. Ranching is hard, often back breaking work that you can never really take a break from; not when dozens upon dozens of lives are counting on you getting up every morning to feed and care for them. They may have had farm hands but it didn’t alleviate all of the Colton’s duty, and Colt’s parents wanted him to have more than the same hard life they had lived. Though they both knew well the joys of ranching there was a whole world blossoming out there with rising technology and so many opportunities. With them pushing him in his studies he easily got A’s, sometimes B’s, and while Colt would never equate to a genius he was smart for the average kid. With plenty of studying and not being so fixated on the ranch he might very well be able to become a doctor, or lawyer. As such when Caelbury opened its gates to commoners the elder Colton’s immediately signed up in an attempt for their eldest to be able to step into the prestigious halls. It seemed all signs pointed to Colt becoming the first white-collared member of the Coltons for generations as he was one of the few to gain entry to Caelbury. All the pieces were falling in to place for his perfect life after school. Yet there are words unsaid for all of this, words Colt might very well carry with him to his grave; he doesn’t want any of this. Grateful though he may be for the opportunities presented to him a certain resentment festers in him for all of it as well. Colt doesn’t want to be some high-paid doctor, lawyer, or even a vet that has to deal with sick animals on a daily. He wants nothing more than to just take over his family’s ranch and continue the legacy of those before him, of herding and riding and nurturing. Yet in his very nature he doesn’t want to disappoint his parents, or anyone for that matter, and finds his words unvoiced and choking in his throat. His siblings look up to him while his parents swell with pride for his accomplishments, and Colt finds himself swept forward without any way to stop, his destination a school full of rich snobs and gifted geniuses that are far above him. He’s never been so out of his depth, and never wanted home more than now. --- [u]Extracurricular Activities[/u] None currently. [u]Miscellaneous[/u] -His family owns three dogs, one of which is considered ‘his’ over everyone else due to their bond. His name is Sunshine Smiles. -Secretly likes Brokeback Mountain but doesn’t mention it since he’s afraid of people getting the wrong idea. -Despite how cliché it is with his name Colt really is talented with a lasso, and horse back riding. -The first day he came to Caelbury he found a bird with a broken wing and snuck it into his dorm to take care of it. [/hider]