The locker opened to an almost panicking Rebecca in a full bomb suit, helmet being the only thing missing. Personal effects began to fly by, pictures, a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, a small mirror that she tried to grab with her shaking hands before it crashed on the ground, making her swear. She finally grabbed a small cylinder with the label 'Palladone Dilaudid Dihydromorphinone' and opened it before carefully grabbing a small, 2mg pill, and putting it in her mouth. As she closed the container, she stood straight and inspired deeply. Four years she had been struggling with this whole 'Acute Opioid Addiction' business. Evans had talked to her so many times using words long as her arm and of course she knew about the whole deal, but hey, apparently the thing with addiction is that you're addicted, so guess you don't just stop like that. Of course, she knew she couldn't keep face for much time, maybe he'd actually execute his menace to ground her until she went through detox, no matter how much the team needed 'Mancock' to tank for them. She began to grab back what she had thrown to the ground, using as much flexibility as her suit allowed her to have to do so. She noticed her watch, strapped between two locks of her hand/lower arm padding, inside her wrist as it was one of the only place on her armor without a ridiculous amount of protection. Shit. She just took everything and shove it down the locker before closing it and run (Or rather jog) toward the pad. __________________ Behind the doctor, heavy footstep could be heard, a rhythmic *clung* as Jugger climbed the stairs to get to the platform. AA-12 in bandolier, Anaconda in holster and helmet in hand, a backpack and many pockets full of grenades and ammunition. Yet, the wearer didn't seem to care too much about the weight. Most certainly the only thing telling of the female nature of the wearer of this gear was said lack of helmet displaying some obviously feminine facial features. "And I almost thought I could go more than a few days without risking my life. Good, that would have been disappointing. Didn't sign up to sit on my ass all day." Rebecca looked at the assistance. "Vex, Hawk, Destroyer... Doc... Here's to not being able to take a piss for another 8h." With this, she placed her helmet on her head and closed the final straps.