Jakob was calmly checking his equipment at his locker as he received the message, a bored look on his face. he hadn't done anything for the past week or so and it was turning his mind blank. the sound of the ocean water and all the mechanical thing-a-ma-jigs making him feel as if he was going into a vegetated state.He was happy that they were finally being called together today, or else he would've died of boredom.The Corporal quickly put on the rest of his gear, checking over everything. [i]Boots, Check, Vest,Check. Gloves,Check. Silencers,Check. Ammunition, Check. Helmet,Check. NVG,Check. Dara,Check.Rations,Check.[/i] He thought to himself nervously as he closed the locker door, adjusting his vest and double knotting his boots. His .45 was holstered on his left thigh, and his G56C was already slung around his back. "That's everything!" Draugen exclaimed a little to loudly, starting out the room and taking a left to the nearest ladder. the helipad was on the other side of the rig, and getting there would be like trying to complete a maze puzzle. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The marine slowly made his way up onto the helipad, his feet tired from the countless routes he had taken to get there. He stopped near the top of the stairs, staring at all the new 'faces', one of which was a Juggernaut. "Am I late for the party, or is this all we have?" He asked.