“How cold, buddy!” Bob knew that Jean-Baptiste was entering his “I’m going to kill anything that wanders into my general direction” mode and wanted little to do with it….but least he knew what he was doing. The fresh meat eyed their mechs with a sort of eager curiosity that screamed inexperience. Each robot was unique, a work of art, and you couldn’t just thumb through the instruction manual and hope to do well in your first battle. That would be silly. Something of collaboration between Creed’s technology and Bob’s personal requests, he already knew the Moral Justice inside and out. It’s weapons, advanced tactics, the best methods of shield use….so many deliciously evil combinations were possible with this titan among titans. It made him smile, really. Fighting the average grunt was no fun, but a gigantic new unit? Yes, maybe a little field analysis *would* be prudent… “Three heads, eh fearless leader? Maybe you’d like me to bring one back…”