[b]RESEARCH[/b] [i]Senior Research Director Yarmuni Larkon'kum RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT TEAM, TRANSLIGHT SPACE CORPORATION We have begun development of a new outersystem engine that revolutionizes the old one. We have begun to work with different cosmic powers, including "dark energy", as unstable as it is, to either innovate the current TOE or make a new one. According to comparison results, our projections estimate a 63% boost in efficiency in this new engine over the old one. As a result, we've dubbed it the Translight Hyperjump Engine. We've been developing ways to jump between a dimension known colloquially as "slipspace" that can get to locations faster. However, based on projections, this engine emits a very severe amount of radiation. A sturdy containment unit will have to be developed. We will begin work as soon as we can to develop a working model.[/i] Translight Hyperjump Engine: 5%