[center][b]Tolbana Theater -- Floor One[/b][/center] ----------- [i]Oh god, why did I come,[/i] thought Jack as he sat listening to Diavel speak. He was seated alone in one of the further back rows. He had originally taken this spot in hopes of seeing the girl that had invited him, but he was glad regardless, just less eyes on him. He had spotted her shortly after the meeting started but didn't move from his spot. Social situations weren't our charming young mans forte. Even so, he felt like he needed to help, and so there he sat. Diavel had finally gotten to the boss fight information, the main course of this meeting. As he mentioned the boss and his cronies titles and tactics, one thing stuck in Jacks mind. [i]Illfang.... that's such a bad ass name! It has to look so sick! I can not wait for this.[/i] Besides excitement, Jack also felt nervous, for two different reasons. One, the more obvious, he might die. Two, he hadn't been a part of a group since his football days. He himself couldn't understand why the second seemed to weigh heavier. He knew that he would be a tank, Group A or B. If he could shake the rust off of his teamwork capabilities, combined with his newly acquired in-game skills, he should pull through. At least in his head it seemed viable. After the meeting had run its course, Jack stood up slowly, rolling onto the balls of his feet for a better look at the crowd. The girl he had spotted earlier was now gone. [i]Dammit... Again?![/i] He had really hoped to get a word in with her, or at least make sure she wasn't still on her own. That day had left a sour spot on his heart, all he had wanted to do was help. Instead, he made her upset. [i]Smooth.[/i] Just as Jack was about to walk out of the theater he saw her, and she was with a white haired kid. Seeing this, Jack set off, maybe he'd see her at the boss fight. For now though, he had to shake the rust off his blade. [i]Well that answers my question, I'm glad she's not alone.[/i] [hider=Items]2- Teleportation Crystals 3- Health Crystals 5- Health Potions 3- Antidotes 1- Message recording Crystal[/hider]