[quote=YoshiSkittlez] Ursa - oh okay! makes sense! So now that we have an idea of the story of where your character comes from, would you type up a quick personal back story for him? Explain his relationship a bit better and go into what he does in the fantasy land? Was he cursed into making it night? Etc... [/quote] There isn't much to it, yet...I haven't gotten much background thought up. Originally the shadow of Death himself, kinda like this story [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shadow_(fairy_tale)]The Shadow[/url], just separated from him one day...except he more or less became Death's son instead of his replacement. After the red rider and the white rider, Sun and Day, come into existence by ___, he was given the name and role of Night. Sometimes, he just takes on a human form and chills in his darkness he creates till Day takes over for him, or practises jousting with Sun before bringing his darkness. Other times, he just is the darkness, the Night. Being the Night, most humans see him as intimidating, even dangerous, a perfect personification of the darkness he represents and the (super)natural son of Death. He is very close companions with the other two riders, and has only befriended one human to date (his father's godson), though he has also made the acquaintance of Vasilisa during the girl's donor trial by Baba Yaga. He has a strong sense of justice, and though he unintentionally hides criminals, sometimes he has Day drive them out of his cloak of darkness to face justice in the morning light. (WIP, story is likely to change if I link more stories to his background)