Name: Cheshire Cat (Birth name: Unknown) Appearance: [url=] (Note: The Cat is unnaturally large for a domesticated cat, being the size of a bobcat by comparison. Around his neck is a heart-shaped key of unknown purpose. Not seen in the picture is the Cat's ever present, never fading wide grin.) Backstory: Though the legend of the Cheshire Cat is spread far and wide, what actual truth lies within the story is well-hidden, muddled by lies and inconsistencies. The general consensus states that the Cat used to be a commonplace wizard, yet gifted in the art of Illusion who enjoyed using his magic for fun and recreation rather than serious study. Little is known of the events that subsequently led to his transformation into the Cheshire Cat. Yet it is said he wears the key around his neck as a sign of loss, or a memento of something from his past life. Picture of Key: [url=]