[center][b]Tyranus - Just outside Tolbana - Floor 1 [/b][/center] --- He'd lain under the shade of the tree for so long he'd forgotten why he was there in the first place. Time was the only thing that had really lost meaning to him in this place. The way he saw it, Aincrad was home now, and after the events of the first couple days...weeks... months? Crap. He'd completely lost track of how long he'd even been trapped on the digital side of his NerveGear. It didn't matter, what happened, happened, and those who died, were dead, and all Sam knew was that he was now Tyranus, the level 15 swordsman in the green cloak. That's how most would identify him. He tried making a pseudo-mysterious-yet-threatening moniker once, but that didn't last very long. No, Tyranus wasn't active enough socially for something like that to take hold. There was still the matter of something he was forgetting though. Ah! An acquaintance had messaged him earlier to tell him of the meeting in Tolbana. It was probably time by now. With minimal effort, Tyranus drew his knees to his chest, and threw his legs upward and out, dragging the rest of his frame off of the ground in tow. A cool breeze fluttered the green coat around his tall frame, and with his hands still cupping the short blond hair on the back of his head he meandered off into Tolbana. He casually and leisurely made his way to the amphitheater, just late enough to miss pretty much everything. When Tyranus walks up, the group gathered there to discuss plans for the boss fight had already finished discussing, and it looked like they were partying up and dispersing now. So without a clue at what to do, Tyranus addressed his current internal conflict the same way he always dealt with internal conflicts, by sitting up against something, in this case a column at the theater's edge, and waiting. --- [hider=Items] 2 Antidote crystals 3 Healing crystals 2 Teleport crystals 4 Antidote potions 10 Healing potions Various foodstuffs and rudimentary cooking supplies [/hider]