"Alright" Xerox replied, flipping the checker's piece. It was odd, since these pieces had crowns on them, normally to crown a king, a captured piece would be placed on top. It did not matter though. Although she had whispered, Xerox barely caught wind of Serenity's words. [i]Ah ... That's no good. She's suspicious of us. It's not going to be easy to get her on board I guess.[/i] He thought to himself. Xerox wanted Serenity on his plan, he didn't know of her ability, but she was one of the smallest inmates. Her size would be vital in cases where they needed someone to squeeze in places, like the vents. Xerox caught the coin and put it on his other hand. It revealed crown side up. He was the black side of the checkers. Turning the board, so that the black side faced him, he noticed there was a third girl, near the card game being played. Xerox turned his head, seeing it was the new inmate from before. If possible, he wanted information. Although, he didn't want to approach, otherwise Serenity's guard would come up, which could be troublesome. He decided he would just listen in, and get some information. Placing his first piece forward, leaned in, close enough for only Josh to hear his whisper. "Is it true, you're a terrakinetic, and Cyrus is a hacker?" He wanted to confirm the details, to help consolidate the plans of a team. Rumors only get you so far. There were some rumors about Xerox being a healer, due to him telling some people about his infamy as the Psyche Doc. But these weren't true. Even the guards had the information wrong it seemed. Of course, it was because he altered all of their memories before his capture, when he realized there were too many of them for him to get away. His basic idea was with Josh's terrakinesis, some earthen walls would be good if there was a blunder, and Cyrus's hacking would help get information.