The Doctor was looking at her "True... but still." He was grinning. He really couldn't help but tease her. He was looking at Kana, his hand was shaking as he held the spoon. "This really does make me feel old." He joked. He knew he never really suffered from old age problems. Time Lords just didn't really. But laying in bed so ill and shaky did make him feel old expecially when he needed help."Ah yeah they are safe in ways I suppose. Rose has my metacrisis self protecting her , Donna well that was hard, I didn't want to leave her, But she would have died if I didnt wipe her memory. The others have thier own lives, Jack is capable of defending himself and Martha was in the end too." He looked at her "I am glad they are alive, I lost so many friends during the time war, that war still haunts my sleep." He sighed "It wasn't long since all of my friends were by my side and helping me." "Yeah most likely." He replied "It almost is as if its meant to effect my kind, the way it cut off my regenration. I would have died on my own, I know that now." He whispered. His eyes were scanning around the room. He heard a commotion. He narrowed his eyes. He wanted to get up and see what was going on. He couldn't help that. Being who he was he needed to know. He knew he was too weak and sick. He seemed fustrated as he hated been stuck on bed. He still reached for his screwdriver not able to stop himself really. He was coughing again and he moaned. His head was spinning dizzly. The Doctor was looking at Kana. "Ah the Sitheen yeah, I remember them. Having vingar handy is helpful." He always tried to find less violent ways of dealing with creatures. He wasn't sure if they just straight out killed them with weapons. He was looking at the feather. He seemed to be thinking. "Siltheen are nasty, well thats their family since their species is Raxacoricofallapatorians," He grinned "Such a mouth full of a name." He was looking at her. He curled up in his blankets. He was finding it hard to stay in bed.