[center]Central Apartment Complex[/center] [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/27357/posts/ooc?page=1#post-817398]Junko Heizen[/url][/center] --- When the bullet entered the mutant's chest without so much as a grunt of pain from it, she remembered thinking about how she should have just emptied the whole clip into its body. Junko had prepared herself for a series of long drawn out dodges and ripostes as Jenive tried to shoot off that thing's head. Surely without a head it would die, no? The mutant advanced on her, which as scary as it was, ensured its attention was not on Jenive. By now she expected Jenive to take the opportunity to strike. Instead of a high caliber round to the face however, the mutant was blown off its feet by a high speed missile that was Jenive with her rocket pack, throwing the mutant right off the ten story building. She collapsed on her rear, as her legs went limp from relief at the mutant fell to its death. Going toe to toe with a chainsword wielding mutant with nothing but a knife was not her idea of fun. It was a good thing Jenive thought of using her jetpack, Junko herself had not even thought of that. There was a loud clang of something landing near her, the chainsword that previously belonged to the mutant. She didn't know how it ran, since it had no smoke to indicate fuel being burnt or anything, but it was certainly still running. Must be batteries or something, small enough to fit in the hilt, and still strong enough to power a full sized chainsword. Perhaps the techies would reward her for picking up this sort of thing? But... it was not her kill, so Jenive had first pick of anything off the corpse, unless she declined or showed no interest in scavenging. It was an unspoken rule most followed in where she came from after all. Which means if Jenive showed no interest in the chainsword, Junko can keep it. After carefully examining the thing, she found the switch the mutant thumbed earlier, and shut it down. "Jenive, I..." She was wounded? Her arm seems burnt, but from what? Was the mutant woman scalding hot to the touch? Junko didn't think on it too much, simply grabbing the chainsword, and took out the small med kit they all had. "Give me your hand." was all she said, putting her hand out for Jenive's injured arm. If Jenive trusted her enough to give Junko her arm, then she would treat the burn with first the alcohol, pouring it all over the wound, and then putting the dry bandage on it. If not, well.. it was her choice. One takes care of one's team, regardless if they just met or not, if one wants to stay alive till payday. A treated hand shoots better than a wounded one after all. Now they only need to wait for the all clear from the chameleon team below and move into better cover.