The Time Lord wasn’t sure what to think, here she was, Luna Love good a kind compassionate magical being actually wanting to come over and invite him out to have a picnic? Now the Time Lord was more than certain that it never happened to him before. He was always zany and peculiar he knew that but it seemed that in a sense Luna was the same way and understood him. That was a first in his opinion, most of his companions, come to think of it all of his companions didn’t really understand him on a complete level they just understood him for what he allowed them to see. He hoped in his two hearts that Luna was indeed different, because from what he saw? She was already a spectacularly brilliant young woman and he knew there was quite a more beneath the layers of her personality that had yet to show themselves. The Doctor knew or at least hoped for the most part that it would indeed happen one day. As she took his arm the two ventured through the corridors heading to the main floor of the castle before making their way out the double doors. The Doctor had hoped they’d be welcomed by sunlight but he saw nothing but dark smoke like clouds blanketing the sky above. The Time Lord wasn’t too happy by that fact but he was going on a picnic with his new friend, Luna. “Well… It’s better than staying inside a stuffy and muggy ol’ castle, yeah?” were his words as he glanced to Luna with a smile “Precisely” he answered his own question. Yet as his eyes glanced down to the young woman holding onto his arm he noticed at that particular moment she was a bit spaced out, lost in her thoughts. A thoughtful, understanding smile touched the man’s lips as he spoke no more and continued walking with her, giving her a chance to sort through those thoughts of hers. She broke free from her thoughts the Doctor soon figured out after she commented to him “You’re right, a little rain or snow won’t do us any harm.” though the darker clouds above looked more like snow clouds than rain clouds “What I wouldn't do for a good old dose of the sun but this weather is fine so I’m happy” it took a lot to bring the Doctor’s mood down, it was just how he truly was. Well when he had company that was. Always alone, for over two hundred years he’d been alone but slowly being around Rose at first and now Luna? It was truly helping his lonely hearts mend. Feeling her eyes upon him the man slowly lowered his deep chocolate brown eyes down to meet Luna’s gaze as he gave her a contented smile. As the two of them walked arm in arm, yet as they had continued to explore the weather was indeed getting much colder and just as the Time Lord had expected snow began to fall. Extending his free hand out he caught a few snowflakes on his palm “One thing I’ll always love about earth, the changing of the seasons, it’s quite a beautiful sight” hearing Luna’s laugh, that was a first for him and he had to admit it was one of a kind. Bringing his gaze to her he smiled “Lets get out of the snow, wouldn't want you getting sick” with that he lead her into the forest toward his TARDIS. When they arrived the Doctor stopped and released her arm as she neared his TARDIS, the man took in her entire interaction with his spaceship and gave her a nod “Yep she has, over nine hundred years of life.” he pulled out the key to his TARDIS and neared opening the door for Luna and let her inside. Just seeing her expression, hearing her words caused the Time Lord’s hearts to warm a tad as he followed her into his blue box, the door closing behind him. “You’re quite welcome, Luna” he looked to her and headed down for more sitting space and took a sandwich as she handed it to him. Hearing her final words he gave her a smile yet his mind wandered off a tad to his generations before. Shaking his head from his thoughts he began to unwrap the sandwich “In the end being alone is always the ending factor” which proved to be true throughout his years but he shook his head “But even so, traveling the worlds, taking in this entire galaxy as a whole its quite the sight” he unwrapped his sandwich and took a bit. Chewing and swallowing the bit in his mouth “I could show you places that would be absolutely beautiful. Perhaps one day you’d fancy a trip through the stars with me in my TARDIS?” he held a hopeful look in his eyes. “It doesn’t have to be now, no, but one day perhaps when you’re ready” he took another bite and leaned back enjoying his lunch with Luna. Some time had passed and things were going rather swimmingly and smooth. That was until the TARDIS made a somewhat unusual noise, in mid chew the Doctor lifted his gaze to the ceiling for a moment "that's odd…" he swallowed the last bit of food that was in his mouth. He was too far from the school perhaps? Or maybe too distracted with his current company to feel that presence of the other Time Lord. Getting up the Doctor was racing up to the main floor of the TARDIS and pulled the screen over yet just as the TARDIS began to lock on the trace it was lost. With a semi-annoyed and slightly angered notion the Doctor's hand balled into a first but he refrained from lashing out and as a result took in a rather shaken inhale which he held for several silent moments before releasing [i]'Where are you?'[/i] was the question that raced through his mind as he looked to the screen. - - - During breakfast there wasn't much for the hidden Time Lord to do, a part of him wanted to further question Rose Tyler about her words to him, then taking them back this morning. There was just so much on the man's mind he wasn't even certain he could handle it all. To think, a world outside of Hogwarts? She'd given confirmation of the blue police box, the TARDIS. Oh how he would love to see it in person or even see it to prove that he didn't need a trip to St. Mungos. Though he was excited that he'd received confirmation of its existence the Charms Professor still held quite a bit of doubt deep within his beating heart. Breakfast had went by as 'smoothly' as it possibly could given the circumstances though the man barely even touched the food he'd served on the plate. How could he even begin to fathom the thought of eating with his mind running chaotically from thought to thought? After breakfast, the Great Hall emptying out, the hidden Time Lord headed to his first class lecture, yet little did he know that with his mind running fiercely as it was now there was no way he was able to even hold a steady stream of thoughts to even teach the class. His teachings for the first class dealt with pauses, eerie silence followed by barely comprehensive words from the man. It was quite unlike him, but for the moment he could barely even keep a steady grasp on who he himself really was. It was that nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach, perhaps much further than that, it wouldn't go away and if it wouldn't go away the man couldn't focus. As the hours went on, classes continued and to his final class before lunch, they were quite relieved when Professor Smith released them half way through the lecture without question or significant reason in doing so. It was a half day, no harm would come of it, right? For that half hour the confused man sat in his office, his fingers one more tracing the designs of the fob watch. Images began to swarm to his mind once more, images of the past, perhaps the future? [i]'Open the watch..'[/i] was the voice in his head, his own voice. Unknowingly to his conscious self, he'd opened it and when his eyes opened he was hit with a stream of gold light once more. He could hear voice, see images, not wanting this, not one bit he slammed the watch shut and arose to his feet. Reaching up he held onto his head and sighed. It took the hidden Time Lord several moments to compose himself but when he did he exited his office, his classroom and made his way down the corridor making his way toward the Great Hall. As he ventured toward his destination he could head yelling which became clearer as he neared the hall. It was Rose but to who was she talking to? The professor pushed his way through the crowd, his ears taking in all that she was saying "excuse me" "coming through" "step aside please" By the time Rose had finished with her explosion the Professor was at her side, he placed an arm around her shoulder and looked around to see the crowd "Go about your business, nothing to see here. Just the stresses of classes and what not. C'mon, get moving" his eyes lowered to Rose "It's alright, Miss Tyler, I've got you" he whispered in a calm and soothing tone. Leading her out of the Great Hall away from the students he used a non-verbal incantation to summon a spare robe of his and slipped it on over Rose's shoulders. "That was quite the show, Miss Tyler. I can see what you mean about stressed out" his northern accent quite noticeable, more than before, what could have happened? "I mean Blimey that was took quite a bit of gut to do what you did" he gave her a smile "I commend you for that impeccable performance of rage and anger that put Draco Malfoy in his place. Bravo, Miss Tyler" he gave her a broad smile. Walking out through the double doors of the castle the man walked with her, remaining by her side as the two ventured beneath the falling snow toward the lake where the Professor knew the merpeople were singing their songs and in sense hoped that it would help calm Rose's current emotions to diminish and a calmer more peaceful demeanor to come forth. - - - Sitting there the green eyed Gryffindor looked to Hermione as she spoke, her words the tone of her voice caused a smile to touch his lips as he kept his eyes upon her, taking in every single word she was saying. "I'm glad, Hermione" resuming eating his breakfast the two getting up together and heading out to their respectable morning classes. The boy was grateful that it was only the morning half of classes because a full day under the hawk like gaze of Umbridge would have been too much for the already nearly 'cracking' boy to stand. Harry had to admit it to himself that he truly did need a break from everything and what better way could he possible spend it than with his best friend with her family in the muggle world away from chaos and destruction. The morning classes went by rather quickly in Harry's eyes and in a way the boy was grateful, Harry decided to stay in the common room after the classes were done, not wanting to be around anyone really. not with how he was feeling lately. He sat upon the couch, a charms book in his lap, actually reading. Which even for someone such as him was a bit odd. Ron had taken note of this when he walked into the common room after having packed all his luggage for the vacation. A rather peculiar expression spread across his face as he stood in the doorway of the staircase that led up the dorm rooms and just stared at Harry in somewhat of confusion. Though rather than saying a word to his 'friend' the redhead headed off to the side to a table across the common room and set up the board of wizard's chess. It was sad that the two 'once' best friends were so strained that it was actually would hurt anyone who had known what they actually had before. But even so, nothing could be done. Ron in a nutshell was a jealous man and as the years went on was having a pretty foul attitude that Harry was finding to be rather annoying. When Hermione entered, both male's lifted their gaze after hearing Hermione's voice, Harry wasn't hurt that she went to Ron first but the redhead had developed a rather smug look upon his face as he shot Harry a glance who merely returned to his reading, practically and purposely missing the look thrown at him. Once Ron was out of the room and Hermione spoke to him, Harry finally closed his charms book and lifted his gaze to her, having taken in his words as he nodded. "That's good then. and I'm more than sure that Hedwig will enjoy the breeze. I haven't sent her out a lot lately." Harry had his reasons obviously of course "and trust me, the train is always on time" he gave a chuckle at a very interesting memory his second year. Back when he and Ron were great friends. "Last day at Hogwarts before we leave on break" his eye watched as Ron was zooming by but he didn't say a word and turned his attention back to Hermione. When she brought up Hogsmeade the green eyed boy's eyes widened for a moment. Hermione Granger wanted to do something other than head to library? that was a first in Harry's opinion but the boy wasn't objecting to her suggestion one bit "That sounds like a great idea to me" What was it about Hermione Granger that always managed to left the troubled boy's spirits? Looking to her with sincerity in his eyes Harry gave a nod "Yes, let's go, a nice break from here sounds like a great plan" without another word he was on his feet and heading up the stairs to the fifth year boys dormitory to get his jacket, and scarf. After he was all bundled up Harry made his way downstairs where he met up with Hermione and walked with her out of the common room. Instinctively reaching for her hand to hold as they ventured side by side toward the tunnel that would lead them to Hogsmeade. Hearing Hermione speak of her family's traditions the boy grinned as images of it all popped into his head. "It sounds wonderful. I can't wait to be take part in your family's traditions. I'm sure it will be a very memorable holiday and .. thank you, Hermione for inviting me. I really do appreciate it" he gave he a smile. As they arrived to Hogsmeade blanketed in snow Harry looked around and took in a deep breath taking in the smell of a snowy winter before "I find adventures in book more enjoyable to be quite frank. Because what you see on a screen is another persons interpretation of what you've read and sometimes it might not come out to be as you pictured which can be very disappointing. The park though does sound lovely" hearing her final question Harry looked about "how about Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop for a some sweets and a cuppa tea? We can then stop by Honeydukes and pick up some treats for the winter break, yeah?" he gave her a warm smile.