[center][b]Town of Beginnings – Floor 1 [/b][/center] "He's talking about the meeting concerning our strategy on how we're going to fight boss on the first floor. It's gonna be lead by Diabel." The newcomer’s voice intruded into her thoughts, as if answering her earlier question. Namora turned to face him and arched a questioning brow. He seemed a bit more serious than before and a great deal less amused. "As Rigsaw said, it will be held in Tolbana. More specifically, however, it will be in the Town Theater." The young man continued, ending his sentence with disarming smile. She had to give him credit; he was still playing at being Prince Charming and hadn’t slipped up yet. Namora wondered if it took much effort, keeping up the act. It couldn’t be easy, putting on smiles and acting that way time and time again. Especially as they were stuck in a death game. The girl highly doubted that it wasn’t just an act. If something seemed too good to be true, then it definitely was, or so she believed. She’d never particularly cared to put up fronts of niceties herself and often got described as cold and unapproachable; which was mostly true, she knew. Still, it was nice of him to provide information about the meeting when he really didn’t have to. “Thank you. I appreciate it. You’ve saved me the trouble of asking around.” She shot him a brief but genuine smile. "I know you that dislike me immensely, but I'd really like it if we could become friends. I'll try to watch out for you, and it'd be nice if you would be able to do the same." Namora’s eyebrows shot up in surprise at his comment. [i]Dislike him immensely?[/i] True, she was irritated with his attitude earlier but she hardly knew him well enough to form a concrete judgment. She had been wavering somewhere between indifference and mild annoyance. It was simply her way to snark and be sarcastic towards most things in life – something which most people took as dislike, understandably so in their defense. Putting all of that aside, his offer to be friends was what was truly surprising. She hadn’t been expecting that at all. A friend request popped up, the little notification announcing that Skye wanted to befriend her. After a few long seconds of deliberation, she pressed ‘accept’ and shrugged. “Alright.” The girl said as way of agreement. "I'd like to be friends with Rigsaw as well, but I don't think he'd answer to me right now." Skye said as he turned and left. A brief spurt of irritation shot through her, fizzling out before it could truly form. What was it with people walking away mid-sentence today? Shaking her head, Namora supposed she should get to Tolbana in time for the meeting. ---- [center][b]Tolbana Theatre– Floor 1 [/b][/center] [center][b]Day of the meeting [/b][/center] “Well, that’s certainly interesting.” Namora said to herself as she leaned back on the bench and stretched languidly. She’d listened to Diavel, a charismatic young man with alarmingly blue hair. Regardless of the strange hair color, he’d proven to be an excellent speaker and the meeting had proved to be quite informative. They were finally getting somewhere, from the looks of things. Despite her better judgment a flash of hope and excitement flittered through her. They were one step closer to breaking out of their virtual prison. It was a small step, tiny even. But it was still better than what they’d had before – nothing. Excited chatter rose up around her as those present began to discuss and speculate the plan of action Graceful fingers traced a quick pattern on the information booklet she’d received as her thoughts strayed to the upcoming battle. She wondered which of the 7 groups she'd most likely be categorized into. Certainly not the tanks. [i]It would be nice to have a familiar face nearby.[/i] She murmured distractedly as she looked around the nearly full theatre. ----- [hider=Items] • Teleport crystal - 2 • Health crystal - 2 • Potion - 7 • Antidote - 4 • Medicine crafting materials • Message record crystal • Poison flask – 2 [/hider]