[b][center]Tolbana Theater-Floor One[/b][/center] [b][center]The Day of the meeting[/b][/center] Richard sat down near the back, and distanced himself from the others slightly. Surprisingly enough not many people attended probably most who got the message either couldn't make it, or found the meeting completely pointless. Richard frowned slightly, and kept the grim look until a man with blue hair stood at the bottom of the theater, and prepared to speak. He started off with an introduction, and then began to discuss the plan, explaining how the different groups would work, and how exactly they were going to approach the boss. The man finally finished speaking, and people started to leave the theater, but Richard sat there staring off into the distance. [i] It seems easy enough, and it would probably be best if I stayed to groups F, and G [/i] he thought to himself. He felt that he wasn't going to be of much help, but being there just for the loot was to much to pass up. He then looked around for the women he had been following yesterday, and noticed her in the far off corner of his eyes. [i] So she is here, and even with another companion, she sure does get around a lot [/i] he laughed silently to himself, but continued to watch her just in case. [hider=items]-Healing Crystal: 2 -Antidote Crystal: 2 -Record Crystal: 3 -Potions: 5[/hider]