The demon chuckles lightly at the memory of the boy trying to say his full name. [i]'It is a little long for someone not use to long names. That, and it sounds nothing like a name from his language'[/i] He looks to the ceiling for a while, watching the child out of the corner of his eye, however something interesting catches his eye, bringing his gaze back down. Pushing off the wall he wanders over to a pile of papers laying haphazardly in one corner on the floor. [i]'Children's drawing, but why. . .?'[/i] His eyebrow raises as he makes out the top drawing. Kneeling down he begins to paw slowly through them, his gaze sharpening at each one he recognizes. [i]'There are demons and monsters. He even has a few night creatures in here. He must. . . Really have keen eyes'[/i] He glances over tot he boy wriggling into some pants. [i]'Or be descended from an order of some kind. I know a lot of them have it in their genetics. . .'[/i] Letting out a sigh he stands back up, pushing the papers back into a pile with his foot before walking back to the doorway. A few moments later Dan is back at his side, little hands tugging at him to go. He looks down at the small creature, his hands covered cutely in his sleeves like a little ghost boy. [i]'No turning back. He's attached now'[/i] “A moment Daniel, I need to get presentable. Curling his fingers around the boy's his body arches back slightly and after a tense stretch his body relaxes. He now looks very much human, a casual white button up and black slacks taking the place of his suit from earlier. Kneeling down he ruffles the boy's hair with his free hand. “Not everyone is as smart as you Daniel. They see me like that and they're scared, but you know better. However, one must cater to the masses some times. . .” He knows the boy may not understand all he's saying, but it is enough that he believes that the demon has to look like a human for now. “Besides,” he adds, “you see guys like me all the time, but they don't always stay looking like that, right?” No matter the response Vaan picks the child up, propping him no one hip like he's seen mothers do before, and makes his way downstairs. Shoes appear on his own feet, sandals actually, and after carefully making sure the boy doesn't get a glimpse at the living room he stops at the front door to crouch down and pick up a pair of sneakers for the kid. Not wanting to waste any more time, risking getting caught with every moment he stays there, he simply hands the sneakers to the boy and tells him to hold on to them tight. “It's not far to my house, but it's plenty far enough away that you won't have to worry about being attacked. Once we get near home you can put you shoes on.” he murmurs, not looking at Daniel. Instead his head swivels around like a radar dish, listening carefully. [i]'The clean-up crew is here. They'll eat the boy too if they make the connection of their blood'[/i] As if on cue a large rat erupts from the sewers and leaps at the child in his arms. Both arms tight around the lad he spins, landing a kick hard to the beast's side sending it flying. Hushing the boy soothingly he charges down the street to get as far as he can before more show up. “It's alright Daniel, they won't come after us. They only came for a job, they just got a little hungry, that's all.” He's not really sure how to judge how upset a child is when they aren't screaming their heads off so he simply hold him close and does his best to explain that he's still safe.