[center]JECHT "Look, Cece, everything is packed!"he exclaimed, patting the puppy on the head. Cece barked happily and nuzzled her snout against the vampire, causing Jecht to smile. The trip to Tori's was a spontaneous decision and Jecht had no idea how long he and Trixxtal would be staying there, so he packed for a week just in case. Cece would have to come along as well; there was no way he would leave his precious puppy alone for a week. "Come on, in you go!"he said sweetly to the dog, placing her into the pet carrier. Satisfied that everything was ready, all they had to do was wait for the damn wizard to show up to take him and Trixxtal to the fortress. "Jecht!Jecht!" the cries of Trixxtal suddenly reached his ears and caused Jecht to frown. "I'll be right back, Cece."he said before heading towards their bedroom. When he arrived, Trixxtal was on the bed with a bleeding foot. "Your bleeding?"he asked with concern, wondering what could make a vampire bleed like that. So concerned for Trixxtal he did not notice the other guest in the room and he immediately went to inspect his beloved's injury. He gently grabbed the foot and saw blood dripping from two puncture wounds. "A bite?"he asked confused, but Jecht cared little about the details at the moment. "Wait here." He set down Trixxtal's foot and quickly went to the bathroom, and just as quickly as he left, arrived back in the room with a bandaid and disinfectant. He was unsure of what bit him, but even with vampiric healing, Jecht did not want to risk infection. "So, what happened?"he asked Trixxtal, cleaning the wound and placing a bandaid on bite. Jecht had noticed Trixxtal looked like he was in a bad mood, but he figured that it was because he got bitten in the first place. Then it all became clear when he saw what Trixxtal was staring at. Jecht glanced towards the ceiling after placing the bandaid on Trixxtal, finally noticing the presence of the bat. The color of the animal caused him to scowl and he immediately summoned lightning to his hands. "Valente."he hissed, shooting his lightning attack towards the wizard's bat form. [/center]