After staring at the report for a good en minutes he finally remembers what he was trying to get at. In a flash his fingers are flying over the keyboard and slowly the rest of it all falls into place. [i]'That's right, the board at Harumun's were having trouble with policy, so I needed to write a letter of clarification and document the world wide mat. . .'[/i] His thoughts devolve into a mess only really understood by the boss himself and he's on to the next bit of work before he knows it. A third program pops up, having been put on a timer the day before as a reminding of something with a deadline. However, being in the middle of something his quickly moves his cursor up to close the window. At that precise moment though the gurgling of the coffeemaker catches his attention and he freezes. [i]'Right, tea. Need some tea. . .'[/i] Shaking the fuzz from his head he stands up and lets out a sigh. Before moving over to make his tea however the president looks towards the window leading to the world outside his little room. Honestly, the room may not be small in comparison to most, but to him it can be a bit stiffing at times. [i]'I really hope this guy works out. I want to get back on the road. I can do all this crap on the move. Our numbers are threatening to fluctuate if I don't get back out there soon!'[/i] His focus shifts, looking instead at his reflection. The lush plum purple suit today is accompanied by a black undershirt and dark red cravat. The chain hanging across the cravat has a very small bell inside that chimes pleasantly when he moves, much like the ones inside Chinese stress balls. Humming lightly he turns, his focus back in getting tea. The smell of the tea as he opens the little tin makes Marius take a long inhale, letting the scent de-fog him mind. [i]'Love this flavor'[/i] Just as he's almost done preparing his tea he hears a soft knock on the door. Not really use to the sound, the only ones who come to this floor having blanket permission to enter without doing so since he will not notice it most of the time, he simply stares at the door at first. Then it opens slowly. The place he's standing is less than ten feet from the door. Along the same wall in fact, so Marius can not help but smile as the young man looks around the room a bit before spotting him. [i]'Right, new secretary. Keep forgetting that'[/i] Stirring his tea with one hand he slips the other in his pocket to watch the man look around the room, his smile widening when at last he spots him, his eyes going wide. [i]'He seems to have some interest in my window. I wonder if he's afraid of heights. . .'[/i] Marius does not remember the man at all, having been to focused on getting his ball back. The ball is important to him, helping him relieve stress without having to leave his office. It wasn't that he didn't think Sylus would give it back the other day, he was upset because a report had been so messed up that it was unreadable when it was delivered to him, and Marius needed to blow off some steam before he simply curled up in his room for a nap to sleep it off. [i]'Obviously it didn't go through Sylus's hands other wise I would never have had to see such a mess with my company's records. . .'[/i] He shrugs the memory off however when the young man seems to get bearings at last and introduce himself. “No problem. Come in.” he murmurs, scooping up his tea and heading back to his desk. As soon as he's seated he motions in front of his desk indicating the man should come closer. Taking a seat he waits until Will is in place before his smile returns once again. “Welcome, I don't know yet whether or not I'm glad you've joined the company, but I hope in time I will be. I reserve such judgments until they are fair to make.” Dropping his eyes to the report he was in the middle of his eyebrows raises as another notification blinks at the top of his screen. “Is that today? Oh good, a perfect firs job. . .” he mutters to himself before standing. “This can be a very fast paced job here on the top floor, but my expectations are simple. Do the job. Do it right. Do it well. We'll have more time to talk later tonight after my meeting on. . .I for get, but I know I have a meeting to attend.” Coming around his desk he sits slightly on the front of it, his feet still on the ground. “Sylus will send you my schedule, make sure to come get me for it, I've got a lot to get done today and I doubt I'll remember to set my alarm.” He points over his shoulder with his thumb at his laptop. Snatching up a random folder out of his messy stacks of them he pops it open and looks at the top sheet. “Today is the day for all the section heads to send me their reports, problems, and requests.” He flips the folder inside out so the top sheet is visible, the spine folded the opposite way it normally is. “Your morning job today is easy, but it'll take a while. The stacks are going to be brought up here to you and you need to separate them out by priority number.” He holds the folder out so Will can see the top sheet. His finger slides of to the top right corner where an upside down triangle holds a handwritten number four in red ink. “They just throw all the reports together as the week goes by, so the priority order is all jumbled up. For now, I just need you to sort them out and once you are done, bring them to me in priority order, one, to five. Eventually you will be reading these yourself, re-numbering them should you feel they were improperly prioritized. Don't worry, by then you'll know more about what your doing.” Flipping the folder around, the sleeves falling closed with a light tap, he smiles once more at his new assistant. “Have fun Will, and again, I'll be able to answer your questions after that meeting. . .” His voice trails off as once again he tries to remember what the meeting is about, but with a shrug he returns to his seat, shrinking the window he was going to close before to work on it later.