Seclusion got them to get rid of the Slitheen and then checked on him putting a hand on his head "Well it's definitely working you should feel a lot better by the evening then you can eat all you want at the feast, the poison should be out of your system by then or most of it should be at least" she said to him. "and I told you to cover your ears because if you didn't you would've ended up like them, however, that ability isn't native to this race, it's something I inherited from my mother and her linage" she explained to him. "Also are you unhurt, seems I wasn't diligent enough in keeping an eye on this place" she sighed ruffling her hair and wings gently "and stop apologising already, honestly if you're ill you're ill nothing you can do about it apart from get better" she frowned at him "So no more saying sorry" she spoke bluntly once again. "Seclusion, brother burnt the food!" yelled Tamar "What?! Again seriously?!" she sighed and gave a low growl "Honestly for such a glutton he can't cook a simple meal" she sighed and asked Tamar to keep him company "Doctor can you cure illnesses?" she asked him "That's what Doctor's do isn't it?" she questioned sweetly as she sat in the chair looking no different from a human child minus her wings and oddly coloured eyes. She was a curious little girl and found entertainment in asking questions to the strange clever man before her "Wow, you're clever Doctor… but Doctor, what's you're name?" at that point Seclusion walked in "His name, si something eh doesn't want people to know, not even my eyes can pry into such a deep secret… ah right we haven't explained have we, we can actually read straight through people to their souls or minds, depending on eye colour we can see to different depths" she explained to him "and the reason I'm explaining is because not even Time Lords knew much about us so it's best to explain such things as a way of politeness"