[b][u]Sherlock Holmes[/u][/b] Sherlock had left his family as soon as he could, avoiding his mother's fussing by heading off straight away after going through the barrier. They had arrived just in time, held up by Mycroft. Typical. Sherlock was glad he had managed to get away from his older brother as well. Not that either of them wanted much to do with each other. Sherlock had, of course, grown up knowing that he would go to Hogwarts. He was from a pureblood family, his mother a Ravenclaw and his father a Hufflepuff. His brother had, of course, been put in Ravenclaw. Sherlock was sure the hat would want to place him there. He didn't want to go there. That would mean being in the same house as Mycroft and... no. He wouldn't let that happen. He dragged his suitcase behind him as he hopped onto the train, moving along the carriage in the hope of finding an empty one. Of course he was met with carriage upon carriage full of people. He ended up settling for one which contained only one person, sitting next to the window. Sherlock's gaze flickered over the boy, taking in his various features before he moved into the carriage. He didn't even ask to move in. Didn't see why he had to. He plonked himself down with a slight sigh his cat, Marie, moving from curled around his shoulder to lying on his lap. (It's great :))