[b][u]John Watson[/b][/u] John looked up as someone entered the carriage, and put on a cheerful smile. "Hello." He said, as in way of greeting. "I'm John." He held out a hand, meaning for a shake. "What's your name?" He asked. Maybe this person could help him out a bit? Maybe they could even be friend? That would be great! John adored making new friends, it was a one of his easier talents, as well as writing and taking care of people. His mother had been sick for a bit, and while his father was busy working so they could continue to eat and keep a house, he had to take care of her. It kind of inspired him to become a Healer in the wizarding world. At least, he believed that;s what they were called. He'd done a bit of research since his letter had arrived, and got a bit of information, but he'd need someone who was used to this kind of thing to explain it further.