Vance looked over to Caelyn, taking his dagger and cutting another onion in half, stabbing one half with his dagger and raising it towards the man. [i]"Vance was it? Ah back home we used to have a cow named Vance, it didn't end well for him." [/i] "I'm sure it didn't, though I am not a cow headed for slaughter" he said, not knowing that he might be, in fact, such a thing. [i]"If you'll excuse me Lance, I do need to find myself a navigator. I'm sure we'll get you in some position where those skills wont go to waste."[/i] "Vance!" he said towards the captain. "Vance, with a V!" he almost shouted. he seemed overly sensitive about it. He quickly walked out of the kitchen, past the bed chamber and back onto the deck of the ship. The onion on his breath was starting to get to him, along with the rocking of the ship. This wouldn't end well. He needed something to focus on. He rushed to the red haired woman to assist her in untying the ropes, giving her a slight bow as he approached her.