Haklo entered the collage once more as he left the Esyrie woman to fend off the amorphous demons by herself. He was met with a smaller demon when he entered and with a two handed strike he swung his sword hard down it's shoulder, severing arteries and breaking bones. The blade went in deep enough so that it was actually hard to yank out. The demon, shrieking and flailing, tried to go at him with it's claws,, hitting his helmeted face hard enough to make him roll with the strike. He placed a foot on the demon's chest and pushed it away while pulling the sword out of it's shoulder. When he got his balance, he grabbed the sword by the blade and raised it with both hands before sending it down to the fallen demon, the straight crossguard piercing the demon's skull and killing it. With that, he took the sword again by the grip and proceeded down the hall. The nobleman met a pair of demons who had decided to take a break and were feasting on the entrails of a poor student. The student was a young man, very young, with his face marred by a trio of scars that rand from ear to hear, his nose torn and hanging by a string of flesh. His throat was wide open, torn so much that the spine could be seen clear as day. The clothing were as torn as his flesh and from breast to belly, the young man was seemingly dissected as if by a mad drunkard using a rusty edged hook. The two demons turned to look over at the Desol son, both of them smeared with blood and bits of gore. The pair hissed at him through their blood coated fangs before they rose up, one of them holding the victim's torn off arm, jagged bone protruding from the bloddy flesh. The nobleman raised his sword once more in a firm grip, his eyes darting left and right between the two demons. The first demon sprung into action, howling at him with claws ready to rend and tear through the nobleman's armor. The demon swiped with it's left hand which was met with a swinging parry of the blackened steel blade, severing the demon's flesh from between the middle and ring finger and digging all the way down to the wrist. The other demon then struck, using the severed arm as a form of a crude club. The weapon smacked Haklo across the helmet, knocking it off his head, leaving him vulnerable to attacks. Haklo decided to repeat the same risk he had with the masked demon and shot the most powerful psychomantic attack that he could muster, blinding the arm wielding demon which went well seeing that demons seemingly didn't use wards. With that, Haklo yanked the sword out of the other demon's hand, spinning once and in the same movement yanking out his long dagger and burying it into the demon's throat before taking another, faster, spin and swinging his sword with all his might, departing the blinded demon's head from it's neck. With his foes no longer a threat, Haklo grabbed his helmet and continued through the halls. He met up with a small group of students lead by an advanced student that served as a simple teacher. He joined up with them and headed to the dining hall, not too long before the doors were completely closed.