[b]"Well that escalated quickly!"[/b] Soon winged humans (Angels?) swooped in and started shooting the place up with magic lasers. Spike and Soa ran off to flee from the attackers while Xia climbed the roofs and started running and jumping across from them. She needed just a few moments to line up her sights and try to take down those birdies. She'd use her assault rifle, but she couldn't run and gun reliably with it. She'd have to use her handguns for now. As the winged-people continued to chase down Soa and Spiky, Xia aimed both her pistols towards one of them. She fired off at least five shots from each gun at one of the attackers, shooting into their backs and wings. Xia didn't stay in one spot however; once she fired she quickly changed directions and jumped over to other buildings, behind cover, and generally did not stay put. She knew where her allies were and where her enemies were, but they wouldn't know where she was.