[quote=Jster] I think there are times when we all genuinely hate someone and we either fix them or they get the fuck out. Panda is a great example. Ever. Single. Spammer joined in on that shitstorm. And yet she came back.She worked on her grammar and spelling, she flung insults, she made great jokes. I totally forgot about her till now.I miss Panda :'( Sorry I completely lost my train of thought there because I suddenly remembered Panda and fell down a nostalgia hole. [/quote] True; I suppose I was referring to people who face more consistent "hatred" rather than more radical, instantaneous backlash generated by actual and intense dislike (see: Darthwarman). Nat's a good example, really, though somewhat of a special case. In fact, I might be a good example - I was an idiot, an insecure 15-year-old, back when I joined, involved with the pointless thread and all that, and that whole thread got everyone riled up; but I doubt the hatred or even irritation at this one thread and the people in it was nearly as high as folks professed. It was just another bit of drama, a new plot twist on Spam: The Sitcom. I'm sad that I never got to really know some of the older Spam members - not those who left before my time, but those who have faded at the same time as I've found my stride here. Folks like you, actually - although you've returned now. I saw enough of them to like them but not know them, sorta sucks.