[quote=Azarthes] Try electricity [/quote] Don't listen to him. He's the Devil. [img]http://blogs.westword.com/showandtell/bender%20stoned.jpg[/img] Not even once, kids.[quote=Jster] I've had months of inactivity at times, but I'd never go and say I was a part of that group. I've always kinda lived up to my accidental namesake in that I jump in, crack a few jokes, rile people up, and then disappear into the sidelines. [/quote] I remember you being around during some of my earlier Spam days, that's the only reason I mentioned it. Some of it bleeds over just from the fact that people'd mention you all the time when discussing old shenanigans (and others like you - those who pop in and out), making it sound like you'd been really active before.