[b]Assassination[/b] Federation computer monitors and television screens all over the Local Group suddenly switched to an image of the AIF Seal, playing the drawn-out annoying beep used by the Federation Emergency Broadcast System as a message was sent directly from Mars. The signal was not encoded, so any nation could pick up the message. However, they made a point to avoid sending it to any active fleets. "This message is being broadcast by the orders of the Allied Interstellar Federation Council and Human Cooperative Council. You are required to be attentive to this message." The alert beep played again, and the face of Vice President Alexey Leonti appeared. It was not his usual happy-go-lucky expression though, he looked sad, an expression that was always bad news when on his face. "It is regretfully that I deliver this message to you. Our President-my friend-Dmitri Saveli has been killed by an assassin. Recovered sound recordings from the room have revealed that this man is a human supremacist, and incredibly dangerous. The attack was carried out with a Rafiq&Yasser GW-25 projectile handgun, firing adaptive rounds. If you know anyone who owns such munitions then you are to report them to your local police forces immediately. We believe that he had an accomplice named Robert, no mention of a last name was made. If you know anyone named Robert who has been acting suspicious, report them to local police forces immediately. If you witness any human supremacist rallies or attacks, report them to the Federation Military and your Local Militia. If you are a non-human, report the event and await the arrival of commando teams." The alert beep played for a final third time, but for once nobody was annoyed. Not that they were feeling any positive emotions.