To Will, the rest of the ride took a life time, but in reality the group had been traveling for only about an hour. Once they arrived, they were re-blindfolded, and led for a couple of meters, part of which they seemed to go through doors and led under a structure about a two meters wide. Once inside their blindfolds were removed. Will looked around to find, to his surprise, that he was surrounded by a large group of kids, in much the same state he and his friends were. After scanning faces for a while, he looked out at where they were. The thing he noticed was that they were surrounded by ceiling-less walls, about 10 meters high, each about 150 meters long and made of black stone. There were three walls, each connected to make a huge triangle. Will assumed that this was what they had walked under earlier. After examining the walls,he gazed out to see a variety of buildings, each in one of three groups of similar building. Were the children were, they were facing the top point of the triangle, facing west. To the right Will could see about 30, long, rectangular wooden buildings, in three rows of five and one story high, the group would eventually learn that these were the cabins they would sleep in. To the left, he could the same amount of larger, square buildings made of metal. There were two entrances to these building, one door in front, and a long opening jutting out of the side, this building is where they would create creatures, and learn how to do so. Finally, near the top point of the triangle, Will saw a large, triangular,metal, building, the side facing them 50 meters long.Unlike, the square buildings, which were a dull shade of green, this building was a splashed mix of a huge amount of colors. This was very foreign to Will, who had only seen the natural colors of the forest he lived in. To the sides of the large building,Will saw, to his amazement the largest play area he had ever seen. The equipment was made of some sleek material, and the ground was covered with wood chips, it was so large and colorful, he almost didn’t realize it served the same purpose at the ancient wooden rickety slide and swing set that they had at home. After taking it all in, Will looked at the red monsters, who were surely surrounding the large group of children. Suddenly, they all of the creatures dropped to a knee as three more came up the side, surrounding a shortish man dressed in a luxurious black suit and nice pants. He walked to the front of the group of discontent children, and then dismissed the monsters. He then held to his mouth a very modern version of what looked like the same type of machine as the ancient, salvaged microphone they had at the meeting house at home. The man spoke and his voice loud voice came out of unseen speaker, “ Hello, my young colleagues,” he announced, attracting some angry, some confused, looks from the children, “ you are now apart of The Organization, this because you are all exceptional.” The man continued speaking, sometimes causing angry and violent outbursts from some groups and individuals of the crowd, each quickly discouraged by the monsters. The man spoke shortly why they were there, to uphold The Organization by creating “helpers”. Then, the man went on to explain the layout of the camp, when he came to the large building with the play area he said, “This large structure over here is where you will receive your three daily meals, the last meal of the day you shall eat there. This is also where the kind people and helpers (the monsters) who are taking care of you at this camp stay and hold meetings. After your last daily meal, you have an hour of free time before curfew, during which you can enjoy at the play areas or at your living areas. Now, before I have these helpers escort you to your assigned living space, where you will find you uniforms, I have a warning.” The mans face seem to darken as he announced, “Any attempt at escape will fail, and be severely punished.” After that, he turned and strolled casually to the large building, followed by his three escorts. Will and his friends were luckily placed in the same cabin structure, among 12 other children of varying ages. The three friends soon went about their live getting acclimated. First they would travel to their assigned “workshop”, where they studied different types of “helpers” and how to create them with the desired attributes, every morning after breakfast. Then heading to the “big building”, as all the children called it, to get lunch. After a forty-five minute lunch, they went back to their workshop, which they shared with the children from their cabin, and continued until dinner. After that came the much anticipated free period. The whole experience was much like going to school and coming home, and the childrens lives were very comfortable, even with the monsters always watching them like hawks. During this time, there was very little talk of escape between any of the children, because whenever someone was even caught joking about it, they were carried away by the monsters, and taken to the big building. Once they came back, they were never the same again. They then always had a blank, statue-like expression on their face and they only responding to the camp staff. This was enough encouragement for everyone to keep to their comfortable routine. Will and his friends spent the next three weeks staying out of trouble, until one night. The oldest boy, and the one who everyone believed had been in camp the longest without being “changed”, in the cabin woke everyone up in the middle of the night. “Be quiet,” he warned each individual he woke up. Soon everyone was sitting in a circle at the center of the cabin, the boy, whose name was Mark, stood in the center. “Okay,” he began in a whisper, standing and addressing the whole group,”by being placed in this cabin, you have agreed to take part in a plan that I have been making for years. We are going to try and escape.” Before anyone could respond, he shushed them, then he assured them, “I have found a way to make sure the surveillance in this building won’t work, we’re fine,” he then paused. Even though the large boy was given a few worried, some distasteful looks, by doing so, waited until he finally continued, “ I came from a settlement which was in contact with the resistance group called The Imagination,” before anyone could respond again, he shushed, making sure the guards outside the door couldn’t hear. “ I have came here with my self assigned mission, to get some of us with the ability to them, we are the start of a revolution. This has driven me and kept me in line all of these years, if any of you were wondering.” For a third time, he paused shushed anyone who tried to speak, or yawn, or sneeze, then he continued, “ I am going to give the plan to you simple. I am going to creating a huge, destructive, and angry monster to break a hole in the wall for us to escape. This will happen during break, and so it will be the one of the walls near the playground. Needless to say, you will want to stay out of its way.” Mark continued, talking quietly, but with the force of a leader, “ Your jobs are going to be, one, keep attention off of me while I do make the creature, and two, to help as many people as possible get out in time. To do so, you will have to make sure that you and whoever you are able to escape with take of your socks, they have trackers built in. Don’t ask how I know that. Then you’ll head east, which is the general direction to my home settlement. If you don’t know, east is the direction the side of the camp with the door is on, this means, once you get out, you will have to run along the sides of the outside of the camp to get out. Remember, not all of us will make it, and some might die. Now, I don’t care if you have any questions, because we all need a good night sleep. Oh, and one thing, if any of you snitch or tell anyone about this , I will personally kill you,” with that, he went to his bed. Will didn’t get a good sleep that night, and he doubted any of his cabin mates did either. Now, it was “third meal” time, and the escape plan’s execution was drawing closer. Will, Deyja, Innocentia, and Ryle were eating under the stand of one of many slides on the play area, this one in the center. They chose to sit there because that was where the monsters surrounding the playground couldn’t hear them, and they would only have to make sure that they weren’t overheard by the ones patrolling the large area. Will had seen Mark go to the other side of the big building to eat, and eventually conjure the monster. The friends were eating silently, and Will couldn’t take it any longer. “ Are you guys ready?” he asked anxiously, trying hard to sound brave and come, but his voice probably betrayed him to his friends as he scanned to make sure there weren’t any monsters passing by. To his relief there wasn’t.