As the light vanished, Helen fell backwards, her arms flinging free and slapping against the hard floor. She expected her back to hit the ground, but instead it landed on top of another body. Groaning, she rubbed her sore hands and sat up, moving away to see that she had fallen on Isaac whom had grabbed her. Crawling to her feet, she stood up and immediately felt dizzy by her surroundings. "Oh, I think I'm going to be sick." She huffed, but soon her eyes adjusted and she felt better. The twisted features of the room sent chills up her spine. "I knew coming to this party was a bad idea." She scoffed, half joking despite herself. Helen attempted a brace front, but she felt chills travel up her spine in sparks. Travelling to the wall, she placed her palms on the solidity and pressed, searching for some illusion, some explanation. Her eyes searched for an exit, but the only way out was forward.