Alrighty. Hey, can I have you explain something for me? " But as he landed behind the blade, he sent all his gathered energy directly into it's halt. The effect sent such force through the ice as to create countless fissures to appear like a web of cracks from the point where the sword impaled it" Okay, so this I get. This is a reasonable thing. Land on the sword as you're shooting through the air, it'll hit really hard. Thats cool. " Rising his left foot he sent his right leg down on the blades pommel at the same instant with a burst of speed and strength that resulted in freight-train force. The effort effectively launched Tablurath backward through the air, yet it had a profound effect on the blade as well, as the blow shot it away from him in the opposite direction" But I'm not really sure where all this energy is coming from this time? I understand that jumping off of the sword would launch Khazna away, but I don't think him stomping down on the hilt would result in anything close to a freight train. Cause that's all it should be, with all of the momentum energy went into the first stomp. Unless I'm missing something here, cause its one in the morning and Im tired. Also, I'm pulling a double shift at work today, so I probably won't be able to post until around 9 pm my time.